Those dental shots aren't messing around, that's for sure! Hope you've had a smooth recovery!
I am so sorry you had to go through this, and that you suffer from trypanophobia.

I'm just very glad that you were able to get the care you needed. I hope you're feeling better!
Oh my goodness, Sub. I know you've been through A LOT and I'm very sorry you have had to deal with all this... But you definitely had me flinching when you mentioned the shot in the eye.
I had to have surgeries near my eyes when I was a kid and now the thought of anything near my eyeballs gives me the eeber jeebers. NO amount of singing would calm me down if I were literally staring a needle coming at my peepers.
I'm really sorry you've had so many challenges. But I'm really glad you've stayed here on this site and have been able to give so many interesting and touching testimonies about your experiences. ❤️
I liked how "needles are at the bottom of your pain pyramid" now.

I always feel inspired by people who have faced something others many of us fear, but they tell us how they overcame it.
I also loved that you told us about holding your kids to calm and comfort them when they were getting shots. I know most parents do this but we can't ever hear enough awesome stories of loving parents taking care of their kids -- thank you!
And, is it just me? But personally, I think they should hand out candy (or at least some kind of treat) to us adults after we get our shots, too.

Rewards (especially for good behavior!) shouldn't be just for kids!