As I said in my intro thread, I was raised primarily in my younger years, by my extremely legalistic aunt and uncle. So much of their worldview was based in fear - if I did anything they didn't approve of (even if it wasn't against Scripture), they had no problem telling me that I was going straight to hell. I endured that teatment for a few years, and then around the time I was 15 I started to emotionally withdraw from the church. I still went on a mostly-regular basis, mainly to please my Mom, but my heart wasn't truly in it. By the time I was 20, I was starting to make some very bad choices (which I will not detail here, since kids might be reading this). But to put it simply, the only vices I didn't have during this time were drinking or smoking heavily, driving recklessly, and doing drugs. The fallout from my other sins, both mental and emotional, are part of what led me back to God - I just couldn't take the chaotic stress anymore. The circumstances of my life then had been the epitome of the phrase, "living hell"...and I didn't know where to go or who to turn to. But my Mom slowly helped me to truly repent, and over time I started reading my Bible, watching preachers, and praying again. I'm much better now, but my days are far from perfect.