Our company gives a gift card for Veterans Day to those that were in the military, which I got one Friday, but I still have not used the gift card I got last year.
But I wanted to say that when I was in the service it was before I came to the Lord, although I always believed in a God, but being with the Lord I would not be in the service, for the service is no place for saints, unless someone is working in the field of the Lord to help the soldiers, or some other place to help people that is assured they will do no fighting against other people.
I know some people think that it is justified for a saint to be able to be in the military to defend their country, and they can fight to do so, but it is not justified.
The saints are to do no fighting against another human being in the way of harming them regardless of the situation.
And I know some people think they can defend themselves if attacked, but they cannot.
But it is hard to do for more likely we will defend ourselves, and if in the truth we will repent, but if not in the truth we will think it is alright with God.
It is like they say if a bear attacks you play dead, but even if everybody knew that statement how many are actually going to lay there and play dead, but the vast majority of people are going to run.
So I believe many saints will fail and fight when someone attacks them, and especially if it is a loved one, for you are more likely to fight back if it is a loved one than your own life, which is a good tactic by the mafia, and others, you do not comply and do what we want, or come up with the money, we will go after your family.
But we cannot fight according to God, and everything is in God's hands, and no one can harm you, or your loved ones, unless God allows it.
Like they could never touch Jesus, and take Him, although they tried, but God would not allow it until the time came for Jesus to go to the cross.
God said do not rebel against authority, and government, because they cannot rule unless God allows it, and if God allows it who are the saints to fight against them.
The same in any situation that has to deal with fighting against another person, verbally, or physically, if it happens it is obvious that God is allowing it to happen, so who are the saints to fight against it.
And Jesus said do not worry about what they can do to the body, but can do no more.
And the saints suffer persecution, and are imprisoned, and are killed all the day long, counted as sheep for the slaughter, so God does not always rescue the saints from physical harm, but He will do it also, especially if you have a work He wants you to do, for nobody can touch you then for that work has to be accomplished and cannot be thwarted.
God said do not take vengeance on other people, but give place to wrath, for God said vengeance is mine I will repay.
The Bible says resist evil, spiritually, but do not resist evil, physically.
The Bible says that when the day comes that the world attacks the saints, as they have come together as one and rebel against God, that the saints are not to fight back, for however they fight back it will come back on them, for then they are acting like the world that fights for their beliefs, and the saints have to be different, and here is the patience and faith of the saints.
But their attitude will be by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is who got the man Christ Jesus through the cross, so when it comes to that time some of the saints might say bring it don't sing it.
I know it sucks and it is hard to do not to fight back, and many do not want to appear as a wimp to take a butt whipping, but God is in control and nothing can happen unless He allows it.
If I get attacked physically I will probably fight back, and have to repent of it whether I win or lose, as many of the saints would do.
I suppose then we would be like Peter, but hey at least we have something in common with Peter, and also many also do by cursing and swearing like Peter did when confronted that he was with Jesus, for Peter was a man that seemed to be always trying to save his skin, even to the point of lying.
And Peter feared the circumcision, the Jews, for when they came around Peter would leave the Gentile saints and go eat with the circumcision, and Paul got in his face and told him to stop it, and he was not walking uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel.
So we can sometimes have a weak moment and try to save our skin, and fight back, but like Peter there is forgiveness, and Peter's name is written in the New Jerusalem, so if we have a weak moment we can always be forgiven.
It is strange that according to the world fighting for your beliefs, and when physically attacked, is strong and courageous, but living for God fighting for your beliefs, and when physically attacked, is weak and cowardly.
The Spirit is there and it is different when led by the Spirit in how you view your physical safety, for then you are bold no matter the outcome.
But while I may fail today if someone attacks me, if I am at the time the world is persecuting the saints I will go ahead and let them do what they will do and not fight back, for I cannot fight it anyway, and I do not want to fight it anyway at that time, and the Bible says the man of sin shall destroy the mighty and holy people, so it is written so let it be done.
But they will know who really is the biggest and toughest on the block when the saints come back with Jesus, and He defeats Him, which the Bible says thither cause thy holy ones to come down oh LORD, and says they are the mighty and holy people, and it is not talking about the angels, for the angels are not as mighty as a saint once they receive their glorified body.
Which the angels are last in the authority structure of God, and ministering spirits sent to minister to the saints, and desire to look in to the salvation of the saints, for the saints will have a higher position in heaven than the angels.
Have a happy Veteran's Day, and it is good that the people fight for the cause of other people, and country, even if they are of the world, or a saint acting like the world, for they still fight for the freedom of their country, and hopefully it is to defend and to put forth goodness, and not fight in a tyrant way for no reason other than power, and to control,and exalt, which God likes that they do that, but wants them to understand truth, and if a saints fights they might win, but God is not causing them to win but they did it on their own.
But they can be forgiven.
God told the Jews that He uses a thousand to put down ten thousand, and the saints do not need to fight for there are plenty of people of the world to fight, and God said no nation can rule unless He allows it, so it is up to God whether that country stands or falls.