1. The National Review is a newspaper comprised of Onion-tier opinion columns. Not news stories.
2. Conservatism IS crooked. It uses great logic but fails to fully apply it across the board, just like liberalism.
Conservatism: People should be treated like adults. They should be able to possess firearms to defend themselves, even though they could kill a ton of people with them at will. Drugs? People aren't adult enough to decide whether or not they want to consume a drug. They need the government to tell them what to do.
Liberalism: People should be treated like adults. They should be able to decide what they want to put in their bodies so drugs shouldn't even be a criminal issue. Firearms? People aren't adult enough to be trusted with a firearm. They need the government to tell them what to do.
Libertarianism: People should be treated like adults and the government isn't their mommy.