Don't confuse what love is. Jesus is, and was, and always will be the ultimate example of love. God is love. And yet that didn't stop the Lord from calling the Sadducees and the Pharisees what they were. He called them snakes, vipers, and two fold child of the Devil in the book of Matthew.
Jesus said, "you will know them by their fruit." According to Eph. 5:9, the Fruit of the Spirit is located in these three areas; goodness, Righteousness, and Truth. Romans 4:5 tells us that God awards Righteousness to a Child of God only by their Faith placed and maintained exclusively in Christ and His Finished Work at Calvary Cross (The Blood of Jesus) where the victory was won. Therefore, if you reject the Cross (The Blood of Jesus), you reject the Righteousness of God. Which means Satan is your father.
Jesus said, "you will know them by their fruit." According to Eph. 5:9, the Fruit of the Spirit is located in these three areas; goodness, Righteousness, and Truth. Romans 4:5 tells us that God awards Righteousness to a Child of God only by their Faith placed and maintained exclusively in Christ and His Finished Work at Calvary Cross (The Blood of Jesus) where the victory was won. Therefore, if you reject the Cross (The Blood of Jesus), you reject the Righteousness of God. Which means Satan is your father.
You want to teach the message of the cross but unless people are in line with what you detemin things to be they are rejecting the cross.
Also the devil cannot force us to do anything he is not allowed to do so, he can influence us yes and he can tempt us but he has not control over free will and especially not with those who are in christ and believe it or not more are in christ than you seem to think
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