Brother and Sisters,
Without the law there is no right or wrong. The law exists so that one may know how to please God and what is Good, only God, and evil. The Lord said, a day will come when you will neighter worship on this mountain or in Jerusalem (the temple). Because God is Spirit. Those who know Him will worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.
Flesh vs Spirit.
What can the body which is flesh be likened to then? When we feed the body it becomes relaxed. It becomes lethargic and sleeps because its needs are met. The person is not seeking or of want because they are full.
When the man awakens he, in the flesh, will have a hunger again and go about seeking to fill that hunger which is in the flesh.
Likewise, then what is the Body of Christ like? When we feed the Spirit and the Lord draws us deeper in Him where the flesh becomes weak. We too become lethargic, relaxed and of not want. This is where the struggle happens and why the Lord warns keep watch. As he ordered Moses to be dressed after eating the Passover with staff in hand and saddles on his feet. That which is used to guard the flock as a Shepard. Because we easily will slip into being in the flesh if we do not stand watch. Several of our brothers being brought into the Holy presence of God in the garden to pray. They too were full, in the flesh, and could not stay awake to feed the Spirit with prayer. They were in the comfortable place with God. Yet the Lord knew what was about to happened and asked them to watch and pray.
Yet we are in the flesh, so it will hunger, what you do when you hunger and what God helps you do is up to the wise. Why must we hunger? Because without food you cannot grow. You cannot sustain. Our flesh becomes stronger when we relax in God’s presence because we become lethargic.
Yet it is that very hunger which if the wise stand watch shall over come it. They will become stronger In the Spirit because they have not fed in the hunger of the flesh, but grown through denying the hunger of the flesh, and fed the Spirit and by His Word. Growing deeper in Him and His presence in you. Changing you and shaping you into the new wine-flask. This cannot be done by our own power or will, but by seeking God, and putting Him first in all things. Not because it is the law, or out of reluctant compliance as one that is a slave who does as he is told with only half effort. It is done out of love and whole heartedly with joy because their relationship is real and so is your love for Him. As one who is loved and is a friend.
Those who serve money cannot serve God. They will bend the truth to tickle ears. Because their flesh loves and yearns the things of this world rather than the will of God. They are compromised. Yet they wear the same label as others who do the will of God, so the name Christianity gets a black eye.
At the same time let not the truth come down as a sword. For you too are under the same laws and are just as filthy. It is only His mercy and presence that makes you well. Least you forget you too are a sinner under Grace and pride well up within you, as it has in many.
If then we are all sinners, you will do well to remember this. For those who separate themselves from others who are “sinners.” Show me where Christ, my Lord did that? Or was it the religious who did it? Just because you sit and talk with a sinner that doesn’t defile you. It is your heart and actions you take that do. Does a doctor not see a patient because they are sick. Showing compassion and mercy on all no matter their issue? Then be a wise doctor like the Christ. Just because you see a patient they don’t catch what they have. They wear garments and wash themselves to protect them. This is the Armor and Word of God. The Loed said, it is not what goes into a man that defiles him. It is what comes out of a man. The hunger will always be there. Feed from the good tree or the bad, that choice is yours.
This is the Way,
Love all serve all,
A brother in Christ
Without the law there is no right or wrong. The law exists so that one may know how to please God and what is Good, only God, and evil. The Lord said, a day will come when you will neighter worship on this mountain or in Jerusalem (the temple). Because God is Spirit. Those who know Him will worship Him in Truth and in Spirit.
Flesh vs Spirit.
What can the body which is flesh be likened to then? When we feed the body it becomes relaxed. It becomes lethargic and sleeps because its needs are met. The person is not seeking or of want because they are full.
When the man awakens he, in the flesh, will have a hunger again and go about seeking to fill that hunger which is in the flesh.
Likewise, then what is the Body of Christ like? When we feed the Spirit and the Lord draws us deeper in Him where the flesh becomes weak. We too become lethargic, relaxed and of not want. This is where the struggle happens and why the Lord warns keep watch. As he ordered Moses to be dressed after eating the Passover with staff in hand and saddles on his feet. That which is used to guard the flock as a Shepard. Because we easily will slip into being in the flesh if we do not stand watch. Several of our brothers being brought into the Holy presence of God in the garden to pray. They too were full, in the flesh, and could not stay awake to feed the Spirit with prayer. They were in the comfortable place with God. Yet the Lord knew what was about to happened and asked them to watch and pray.
Yet we are in the flesh, so it will hunger, what you do when you hunger and what God helps you do is up to the wise. Why must we hunger? Because without food you cannot grow. You cannot sustain. Our flesh becomes stronger when we relax in God’s presence because we become lethargic.
Yet it is that very hunger which if the wise stand watch shall over come it. They will become stronger In the Spirit because they have not fed in the hunger of the flesh, but grown through denying the hunger of the flesh, and fed the Spirit and by His Word. Growing deeper in Him and His presence in you. Changing you and shaping you into the new wine-flask. This cannot be done by our own power or will, but by seeking God, and putting Him first in all things. Not because it is the law, or out of reluctant compliance as one that is a slave who does as he is told with only half effort. It is done out of love and whole heartedly with joy because their relationship is real and so is your love for Him. As one who is loved and is a friend.
Those who serve money cannot serve God. They will bend the truth to tickle ears. Because their flesh loves and yearns the things of this world rather than the will of God. They are compromised. Yet they wear the same label as others who do the will of God, so the name Christianity gets a black eye.
At the same time let not the truth come down as a sword. For you too are under the same laws and are just as filthy. It is only His mercy and presence that makes you well. Least you forget you too are a sinner under Grace and pride well up within you, as it has in many.
If then we are all sinners, you will do well to remember this. For those who separate themselves from others who are “sinners.” Show me where Christ, my Lord did that? Or was it the religious who did it? Just because you sit and talk with a sinner that doesn’t defile you. It is your heart and actions you take that do. Does a doctor not see a patient because they are sick. Showing compassion and mercy on all no matter their issue? Then be a wise doctor like the Christ. Just because you see a patient they don’t catch what they have. They wear garments and wash themselves to protect them. This is the Armor and Word of God. The Loed said, it is not what goes into a man that defiles him. It is what comes out of a man. The hunger will always be there. Feed from the good tree or the bad, that choice is yours.
This is the Way,
Love all serve all,
A brother in Christ