Nah, I have to taper coffee for sure.
When you are fasting are you combining prayer and reading of God's Word? If not it is just a poor diet.
Spiritual Discipline: Fasting is seen as a spiritual discipline that helps believers develop self-control over their physical desires, making them more attuned to spiritual matters and sensitive to God's voice. It is a way to humble oneself before God (Psalm 35:13).
Intensifying Prayer: Fasting is often coupled with prayer as a way to intensify one's prayer efforts. It is believed that by denying oneself physical nourishment, a believer can focus more fully on spiritual matters and seek God with greater earnestness (Ezra 8:23; Acts 13:2-3).
Seeking Guidance and Breakthrough: Fasting is practiced when seeking divine guidance, protection, or intervention in difficult situations. Believers fast to demonstrate their seriousness and urgency to God, hoping for a breakthrough in specific circumstances (Esther 4:16; Acts 14:23).
Repentance and Spiritual Cleansing: Fasting is also a means of expressing repentance and seeking forgiveness from God. It symbolizes a sincere heart's desire to turn away from sin and be cleansed spiritually (Jonah 3:5-10).
Empowerment for Service: Fasting is practiced to seek empowerment from the Holy Spirit for effective service and ministry. It is seen as a way to prepare oneself for God's work and to seek anointing and strength from the Lord (Acts 13:2-3).
Worship and Dedication: Fasting is a form of worship and dedication to God, a way for believers to express their dependence on Him rather than on earthly sustenance. It is an act of offering oneself to God, signifying that spiritual nourishment from God is more vital than physical food (Matthew 4:4).
It's important to note that while fasting is valued for its spiritual benefits, it should be undertaken with a right heart and for the right reasons—not as a mere ritual, but as a heartfelt expression of seeking God.