God throughout the times of the Old testament and indeed the new testament has delivered judgements upon transgressors.. Both individual transgressors and nations..
The Jews have themselves been subjected to judgement because of their transgressions though History. The scriptures ravel how the 10 tribes of Israel where attacked and defeated by the Assyrians and dispersed into subjugation.. The Old testament also reveals how Judah was overcome by the Persians and how the Jews where taken as slaves to Babylon to be in bondage for 70 years there.. And again after the life of Jesus we read that the Judah was attacked by the Romans and that the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jewish population was sent into exile by the Romans..
But the Hebrews where both subject to Gods wrath and where implements of Gods Wrath.. God took the Hebrews out of Egypt, subjecting the Egyptians to judgements in the process. He took the Hebrews to the lands of Canaan to use the Hebrews as implements of his wrath upon the heathen peoples of those lands.. Part of the punishments of God upon the Canaanites was in some cases extermination of their nations.. Being forced to flee from the Hebrews.. And finally we get to the point of this post.. The judgement of Bondage / slavery.. This was also a punishment upon the heathen nations that the Hebrews attacked.. So the bondage the Canaanites where subjected to was punishment for their many transgressions, one of the sins they committed was the sacrifice of their little ones to baal by fire..
So seeing the picture of the situation as a whole if you are smart enough to read ALL the scriptures of those times one can understand that within the context of the situation during those times the bondage subjected upon the heathens was justified as part of Gods judgement upon them for their evil deeds..
Sadly we seem to have a person here, Real5, who's desire is not to ask genuine questions but to simply partake in an exercise to help reassure himself and justify his rejection of the LORD Jesus and probably also to try and make himself feel morally superior to Christians.. Real5 has repeatedly shown that they are unwilling to take our responses at face value but they have repeatedly projected positions and bad motivations upon the Christians who have responded to the question Real5 posed..
One good thing about experiences like this is that we Christians have our minds exercised and we are motivated to get into the Word of God more and seek the understanding that can come from the inspiration of The Holy Spirit..

May God bless you all..