Not telling a child fire will hurt them is not love... Why are we Christians afraid to speak Gods Word. Not saying be mean i too have homosexual friends . We also accept Joe and Sally having sex with out marriage that is sin. Joe and Joe having sex is sin. To even suggests God loves them Joe and Sally or Joe and Joe just as they are is not loving it is being ashamed of the gospel. Would we say something like "it is ok for you to rob the old lady God loves you just as your are? "
The difference is the way you word it. John 3:16 God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son so that whosever believes in Him we will not perish but have eternal life.
Many people do not believe and will perish IN THEIR SINS.
I dont know where this 'just as I am' stuff came from. EVERYONE was once a sinner. The key thing is Jesus will save us from our sin. So we can repent and stop our sin, whatever it may be...
the thief died on the cross yet Jesus saved him and said he could go to paradise (he wasnt stealing anymore was he, and he paid the price for his sin by being on the cross)
the greedy tax collector got saved and he gave back all his money he stole
the adulteress was forgiven and she stopped her adultery even though many men still saw her as a sinner, Jesus accepted her and gave her a way out of her sin
with homosexuality, God was going to pour fire and brimstone on the entire town but there were no righteous men not even ten of them but he sent Lot and angel to tell him to flee. Lot DID get out, but he also dragged his feet, and his own wife looked back. He ended up getting drugged by his daughters and comitting incest (with both of them it seemed) . Not sure if this is the happy ending you are looking for, but at least Lot did get out of Sodom and Gomorrah....the horrible thing he did though was he initially offered his own daughters to be raped by the Sodomites, to save his own skin....