Deuteronomy 4:19
And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.
My honest answer is: it looks like it, but say it aint so? Does someone have a better explanation for this?
Deut 4:19 may not be saying that, but I believe Deut 32:8, 9 is hinting at such. Deut 32 overview explains...
"Deuteronomy 32, often called the "Song of Moses," is a powerful poetic lament and warning, highlighting God's faithfulness and Israel's unfaithfulness, culminating in a prediction of future judgment and eventual restoration."(Isreal's unfaithfulness was serving other gods)
Deuteronomy 32:8 speaks about the Tower of Babel where the "Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God". I believe the ESV got this right. Along with Isreal not being a nation yet at the time of the Tower of Babel.
This passage is referring to angels, the fallen sons of God(Gen 6:1-4). The Dead Seas Scrolls and Septuagint reads "sons of God" meaning a direct creation of God Himself Jesus(Col 1:16). The Jewish people are descendants of Abraham who himself isn't a direct creation of God. The angels and Adam&Eve were direct creations. All the rest are descendants from the direct creation.
Deut 32:9 is however speaking about God's very own Isreal, ".. Jacob is the allotment of His inheritance". This separation, though of His people, would later be seen in custom practices of circumcision, Sabbath observance, dietary laws, festivals/celebrations. This went hand in hand with not worshiping other gods in the form of Lev 18:1-30. Us Christians also go through a separation known as sanctification or to be set apart from the ways/rulers of this world(John 12:31; II Cor 4:3, 4; Eph 6:12)
Deut 32:10-14 speaks about God watching over His people, with v12 reminding us "... there was no foreign god with him"... yet.(him being Jacob/Isreal)
Deut 32:15-18 foretells of when Isreal would reach the promised land, turn their backs to our God Yahweh, and choose to worship other gods. By the way... the followers of these other gods should look familiar.(Number 13:25-33)
Deut 32:19-28 speaks about God's judgement on His people for turning their backs on Him to worship these other gods
Deut 32:32 mentions Sodom and Gomorrah as similar evil practices as the Canaanite inhabitants serving these other gods.
Deut 32:34-43 speaks to God Most High seeking vengeance upon those who follow these other gods and mocking those gods whom He knew before creating the foundations of the Earth(Job 38:4-7)
Further proof of fallen angels ruling nations is found in Ezekiel 28:1-19. In verses 1-10 the Lord our God is speaking through His prophet only to the human king of Tyre. But in verses 11-19 our God Most High is now shifting His focus and speaking through His prophet to the spiritual ruler of Tyre... that is Satan himself