HELLO EVERYONE, God loves you, he wants you to get closer to him. we must surrender to him in prayer, let thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, we must walk in the spirit ,and and study the word of God, every day and night, its men that say you cant or God don't, these are gifts that the father gives, to impower you, his power his spirit, to over come, over come things of this world, we are in the world we are not of the world, we cant over come on our own strength, we have to do things his way, not our way, remember it about having a relationship with God, its not about do's and dont's, religion is just words, truth is a real relationship, Jesus is the truth. the way ,and the life, we all need to Grow, spiritually not just head knowledge, grow closer to Jesus, and apply the word in our life, and realize who you are in Christ Jesus, until we are just like Jesus, read John 14;12 we will be doing greater works then what Jesus did, he said it,,,,,,and this is not a debate, I don't debate, this is word, I can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengths me. why would GOD give you a gift, then take it back? or would he give gifts to some people, and not to all, does that make any sense, no it do es not, ok I love you all, God bless, keep the faith, Jesus loves you.
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