Do not be surprised if Donald Trump wins this year’s presidential election in the USA. I think perhaps he still has some role to play with Israel and the construction of the third temple, in these final years. Yet whoever does win the election, this will be the last president of the USA before the return of Yeshua. And the presidential election in the EU is also this year, and whoever is elected there will also be the last president of the EU before the return of Yeshua, and this elected EU president will also be the one to establish the 8th and final head of the 1st beast of Revelation, which is the United States of Europe. We are now quickly reaching the culmination of the nations of the earth in their final form before Yeshua returns to shatter each and every one of them like pottery, to then establish his new millennial government on this earth. He will rule the earth with a rod of iron, according to the Torah of Moses. Remember what I told you before, do not vote for any leader of this world, because none of them rule according to the commands of God in the Torah of Moses. Otherwise God will also hold you guilty for all the evil that they do, because you gave them your approval with your vote. This is the equivalent of “worshiping the image of the beast”, which is punishable with the lake of lava. The beast is Rome, as a republic, where elections first began, and the “image of the beast” is any nation that has adopted the Roman republic as its form of government where elections also take place. And “worshiping” the “image” is participating in these elections and giving your approval through voting. So do not vote. Do not vote for the political left, nor the political right either, because they are all corrupt and evil. Do not think that because one candidate opposes abortion that he is now in the right and worthy of your vote, because although he may be right in one matter, he is wrong in dozens of other matter. If a candidate does not rule according to all the commands of God then he does not deserve anyone’s vote. And anyone who gives him an approval is cursed.
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