Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

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Banned Serpent Seed Heresy
Jun 11, 2019
19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.

As so many have a different belief to what is meant by this; FOR YOU does that mean all law, or the law of the flesh, or Levitical law, or the Mosaic law, the law of the kingdom of God, the law of sin, the law of your own mind, the food law, the law of liberty etc... through what law are you dead to what law? And how did you decide this would be yours?


Banned Serpent Seed Heresy
Jun 11, 2019
this law-

nomos. greek word for Law.

meaning- injunction, Law of Moses (singular) , the Pentateuch ( the books which contain the Law), or it can mean the Old Testamnet in general.

you say you are still learning. learn what I just wrote is true, and change your wrong beliefs about the Law being divided.

You seem to think that the Law of Moses was "one" law not divided. OK. What does that have to do with the Law of the kingdom of God that the life and death of Jesus Christ brought about as the law we are to follow now?
Aug 17, 2019
The Ministry of Life is not indifference. The Ministry of Life is the Power required to obey God. Not the carnal understanding of obeying 10 commands. Actual power to abide in Christ and obey God.

Galatians 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Do you understand what Paul is saying here?
Paul said these things to lead the gentles to obey God(Romans 15:18) and to no longer conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Then we will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)

So who according to GODS standard, keeps the law?
Jesus is the law that was written on our hearts. He is the law of love who fulfilled the law in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, since we show that the requirements of the law are written on our hearts.

Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

God is the one Lawgiver and Judge. His Word is a law to His servants who obey Him.

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. Hebrews 1:1-2


Banned Serpent Seed Heresy
Jun 11, 2019
His 2nd coming?

I think you better read it again a few more times. The most prophesied thing in the old Testament is the coming of Jesus Christ.

The first one. The one where He died, was buried and then resurrected.
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

1 Samuel 2:10 The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.

1 Kings 2:45 And king Solomon shall be blessed, and the throne of David shall be established before the LORD for ever.

Psalm 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.

Psalm 22:28 For the kingdom is the LORD's: and he is the governor among the nations.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
You seem to think that the Law of Moses was "one" law not divided. OK. What does that have to do with the Law of the kingdom of God that the life and death of Jesus Christ brought about as the law we are to follow now?
I don't think the Law is not divided, I just showed it to you here;

words have definitions. it is not wise to push a belief over facts, which is what you just did.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
I wonder if it is some form or technique to change the subject to get away from a difficult subject?

Yes it is I beleive. Because this has happened a few times and each time the Scripture I quote is ignored and personal attacks are made using things I never said.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
Did I say you were Christ?

Did I say you were perfect?

Did I say you must rely on your own strength?

Those weren't false accusations. They were statements of fact.
You implied I have some sort of own strength
No that is ignoring what I have been saying nearly every post in the topic.

That Jesus is our light, example, interpreter, Shepherd, etc.

John 13:15, “For I (Jesus) gave you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.”

Jesus gave PERFECT example of the way His followers are supposed to live.
You implied I have some sort of own strength complex, can you quote I single thing I said that would deserve a reply like that?

I quoted a verse of Jesus saying He is our example and said He is our perfect example... And you chose to make statements about me...


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
If you assume this, you can never understand what i am saying and why, and we will never find common ground, because you will always be looking for something to point out that you deem to be in error, instead of trying to listen with an open heart to what i am saying this usually leads to miscommunication and false accusation or understanding of what people believe

1I asked a question? Who said i was accusing?

2Why are you being so defensive?

Lets go back to my question

3The verse said whoever does not obey shall not see life Since non of us are perfect, does that not show to us, that we need salvation?

As for john 8 you need to keep that in context.
If you consider my entire relpy I said I dont know if that is your intent of not. But Since you didn't comment on what I posted in a manner that you just said "open minded" but turned it into qeustioning me, I think it possbile you are looking to accuse. However if you would have commented on what you thought then asked the same question I do not think I would have replied in that manner.

You mentioned common ground, look at what I said at the end, what I actually purposed, that we dwell on Jesus words together... Maybe you missed that.

Ill number your questions and reply:

1 The question seemed devoid of any real mutual reasoning and seemed like a laid trap. I have seen this before when talknig about religious matters.

2 Because there was not mutual reasoning.

3 Without doubt we need mercy, wiothout mercy none would enter the kingdom. However I do think 100% anyone not in Messiah, that is serving Him and walking in His ways will not enter the kingdom. There is an large number of verses that Jesus says this Himself. If you disagree I am curious to see if it turns into name calling or actually quoting the words of Jesus?

I think John 3:16 and 3:36 are key companion verses that paint the picture in a brief manner.

I have a question for you if that is ok?

If I quote this verse:

John 5:28-30, " 28 Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. 30 “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me."

am I a, b or c

a. A justified by works fallen and lost person

b. quoting and standing on the words of Jesus

c. other


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
Did jesus fulfill the law?
Well I will answer, but that is only 1/3 of what He Himself said He came to fulfill.

and I know I assume I will get attacked for this, but while He has completed the perfect sacrifice thus offering mercy to humans, no the "law" is not completely fulfilled. Before you jump on me please consider this:

A part of the law is for a righteous jkudge to exact judgement upon the guilty party.

This will happen when He returns.

Revelation 18:6-8, " 6 Pay her back as she herself has paid back others, and repay her double for her deeds; mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed. 7 As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says, ‘I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.’ 8 For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.”

Has this judgement already been handed out?

I say no, not yet. If you can show me in the word where this has already happened I will 100% hear you out.

IMO this is where that gets fulfilled:

Revelation 19:13-16, " 13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. 15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

Here is your chance to do as you said and rather than accuse to reason in the word and pursuade me using the word if you disagree Im all ears.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019

I think we have times where we think this also, and when we do about any passage, that is where we get into trouble
I thkn you are saying kind of use human viewpoints from our own desire or what we have heard rather than letting the word and the Spirit guide us. Yes, it is my intent to fully submit to His SPirit and word rather than lean upon my own understanding.

That is why I only form a doctrine in my own belief when I beleive the word explicitly states something.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
John 6: 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
You implied I have some sort of own strength

You implied I have some sort of own strength complex, can you quote I single thing I said that would deserve a reply like that?

I quoted a verse of Jesus saying He is our example and said He is our perfect example... And you chose to make statements about me...
Yes. Jesus is our perfect example.

But the two problems are you are not Him. And you aren't perfect.

That is why it is important to listen to Paul. Because He wasn't Christ and he wasn't perfect either. But he knew how to follow Christ.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
Yes. Jesus is our perfect example.

But the two problems are you are not Him. And you aren't perfect.

That is why it is important to listen to Paul. Because He wasn't Christ and he wasn't perfect either. But he knew how to follow Christ.
so because Im not perfefct Jesus is not my example, I then have to follow a imperfect man rather than the perfect example?

Also this "cant follow Jesus because we are not perfect" thig DIRECTLY contradicts Jesus own words:

John 13:15, “For I (Jesus) gave you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.”

1 Peter 2:21, “This is, in fact, what you were called to do, because Christ also suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in His steps.”

1 John 1:26, “The one who says that he abides in him must live the same way he (Jesus) himself lived.”

John 14:23-24, " 23 Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
As so many have a different belief to what is meant by this; FOR YOU does that mean all law, or the law of the flesh, or Levitical law, or the Mosaic law, the law of the kingdom of God, the law of sin, the law of your own mind, the food law, the law of liberty etc... through what law are you dead to what law? And how did you decide this would be yours?
The law that is written down in letters, on stone and in books. The 10 commandments and the rest of the mosaic law.

FOR YOU what law is it talking about?

Not sure why this is so confusing. What other law would you be dead to so you could live unto God?


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
so because Im not perfefct Jesus is not my example, I then have to follow a imperfect man rather than the perfect example?

Also this "cant follow Jesus because we are not perfect" thig DIRECTLY contradicts Jesus own words:

John 13:15, “For I (Jesus) gave you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.”

1 Peter 2:21, “This is, in fact, what you were called to do, because Christ also suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in His steps.”

1 John 1:26, “The one who says that he abides in him must live the same way he (Jesus) himself lived.”

John 14:23-24, " 23 Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me.
All I did was point out some glaring problems with what you are trying to do.

No wonder you took such offense when I mentioned your own strength. How funny.

John 13:14-15
14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.

15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

1 Peter 2:21-24
21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2019
All I did was point out some glaring problems with what you are trying to do.

No wonder you took such offense when I mentioned your own strength. How funny.

John 13:14-15
14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.

15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

1 Peter 2:21-24
21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
LOL ok. Yeah thats always the thing right, when someone posts verses of Jesus you imply bad things about them personally ven though you have never met them, then go "ohh you all bent out of shape"You play games.

I see you ignored what I posted. You may see them a "problem" but believing Jesus words are not a problem to me.

You literally told me Jesus is not my example, Paul is...

John 13:15, “For I (Jesus) gave you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.”

1 Peter 2:21, “This is, in fact, what you were called to do, because Christ also suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in His steps.”

1 John 1:26, “The one who says that he abides in him must live the same way he (Jesus) himself lived.”

John 14:23-24, " 23 Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me.

I will follow Jesus with every ounce of strength He has given me. Every bit of free will I have been given I will use to seek His path. Every time His Spirit guides me I will seek to obey. If I stumbl, I will look to Jesus for guidance and strength.

Matthew 10:37-39, " 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Sometimes God works for us other times He puts ppl though trials, and in those times He does not "do it for us" He will guide, teach, correct, etc. and those who truly love Him will choose Him and His ways and cast their crowns at His feet and praise Him.


Banned Serpent Seed Heresy
Jun 11, 2019
The law that is written down in letters, on stone and in books. The 10 commandments and the rest of the mosaic law.

FOR YOU what law is it talking about?

Not sure why this is so confusing. What other law would you be dead to so you could live unto God?

Because you change what you believe all the time. One day the law is dead, the next day you work the law, the next day you only rest, the next day its the commandments are written in stone the next day they are done away with. Just never know what you are talking about. Seems to change with who ever you are talking to. That is why it is so confusing. Take a stance and stick with it.


Paul said these things to lead the gentles to obey God(Romans 15:18) and to no longer conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Then we will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)

Jesus is the law that was written on our hearts. He is the law of love who fulfilled the law in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, since we show that the requirements of the law are written on our hearts.

Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

God is the one Lawgiver and Judge. His Word is a law to His servants who obey Him.

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. Hebrews 1:1-2
You did not answer the question

WHO According to Gods standard, KEEPS the law?