It is only because of election theft that the Democrats have managed to take control of both houses as well as the White House. As a result the Democrats have rammed through a spending bill for 1.9 trillion dollars recently. It is supposedly for financial relief to individuals and businesses affected by the lockdowns. But that is only a small fraction of what has been actually been budgeted in this bill.
I have examined an actual copy of this Act -- H.R. 133 or 116HR133. It has 32 divisions within it, out of which only two (or at the most four) are directly related to COVID relief. The rest of them are for bureaucratic government expenditures, some of which will not even go into effect immediately.
Here are the bureaucracies (departments) which will receive billions of dollars, even though they may have had their budgets approved long ago: Agriculture, Food & Drug Administration, Commerce, Justice, Science, Defense, Energy, Water Development, Financial Services, General Government Expenses, Homeland Security, Interior, Environment, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Legislative Branch, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, State, Foreign Operations, Transportation, Housing, Urban Development, plus many related government activities.
As an example of what was already budgeted, but has been seriously *porked up* under the pretense of COVID relief, we can look at the billions of dollars going to the Department of Agriculture, rather than directly to farmers and ranchers. And many programs which go back to the 1930s and 1940s continue to be funded to buy votes. But many allocations do not even belong under Agriculture, such as FDA or foreign assistance, but they have been cleverly inserted.
Secretary of Agriculture
Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund (various loans)
Under Secretary, Rural Development
Rental Assistance (?)
Under Secretary, Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services (?)
Under Secretary, Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
Over 236 billion dollars will go to the Department of Agriculture. So this in not for COVID relief, and this is only one out of 32 divisions.
I have examined an actual copy of this Act -- H.R. 133 or 116HR133. It has 32 divisions within it, out of which only two (or at the most four) are directly related to COVID relief. The rest of them are for bureaucratic government expenditures, some of which will not even go into effect immediately.
Here are the bureaucracies (departments) which will receive billions of dollars, even though they may have had their budgets approved long ago: Agriculture, Food & Drug Administration, Commerce, Justice, Science, Defense, Energy, Water Development, Financial Services, General Government Expenses, Homeland Security, Interior, Environment, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Legislative Branch, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, State, Foreign Operations, Transportation, Housing, Urban Development, plus many related government activities.
As an example of what was already budgeted, but has been seriously *porked up* under the pretense of COVID relief, we can look at the billions of dollars going to the Department of Agriculture, rather than directly to farmers and ranchers. And many programs which go back to the 1930s and 1940s continue to be funded to buy votes. But many allocations do not even belong under Agriculture, such as FDA or foreign assistance, but they have been cleverly inserted.
Secretary of Agriculture
Chief Economist$24,192,000
Hearings and Appeals$15,394,000
Budget and Program Analysis$9,629,000
Chief Information Officer$66,814,000
Chief Financial Officer$6,109,000
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights$908,000
Office of Civil Rights$22,789,000
Agriculture Buildings and Facilities$108,124,000
Hazardous Materials Management$6,514,000
Safety, Security, Protection$23,218,000
Inspector General$99,912,000
General Counsel$45,390,000
Under Secretary, Research, Education, Economics$809,000
Economic Research Service$85,476,000
Agricultural Statistics Service$183,921,000
National Institute of Food and Agriculture$992,642,000
Native American Institutions Endowment Fund$11,880,000
Extension Activities$538,447,000
Integrated Activities$39,000,000
Under Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs$809,000
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services$1,064,179,000
Buildings and Facilities$3,175,000
Agricultural Marketing Services$188,358,000
Markets, Income, and Supply$20,705,000
Under Secretary, Food Safety$809,000
Food Safety and Inspection Services$1,075,703,000
Under Secretary, Farm Production and Conservation$916,000
Farm Production and Conservation Business Center$231,302,000
Farm Service Agency$1,142,924,000
State Mediation Grants$6,914,000
Grassroots Source Water Protection$6,500,000
Dairy Indemnity Program (included)Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund (various loans)
Risk Management Agency$60,131,000
Natural Resources Conservation Service$832,727,000
Watershed and Flood Prevention$175,000,000
Watershed Rehabilitation$10,000,000
Commodity Credit Corporation$5,000,000
Hazardous Waste Management (included)Under Secretary, Rural Development
Rural Development, Salaries and Expenses$264,024,000
Rural Housing Insurance Fund (various loans)$1,000,000,000
Multi-Family Housing Revitalization (?)$68,000,000
Mutual and Self-Help Housing (?)$31,000,000
Rural Housing Repair and Preservation (?)$45,000,000
Rural Community Facilities Loans (?)$2,800,000,000
Rural Business Development Program (?)$500,000,000
Intermediary Relending Program (?)$18,889,000
Rural Economic Development Program (?)$50,000,000
Rural Cooperative Development Grants (?)$26,600,000
Rural Microentrepreneur Grants (?)$6,000,000
Rural Energy for America Program (?)$392,000
Rural Water and Waste Disposal Loans (?)$1,400,000,000
Rural Electrification and Telecommunication Loans (?)$5,500,000,000
Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Loans (?)$60,000,000
NUTRITION PROGRAMSUnder Secretary, Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services (?)
Child Nutrition Programs (?)$25,118,440,000
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (?)$6,000,000,000
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (?)$114,035,578,000
Nutrition Program Administration (?)$156,805,000
FOREIGN ASSISTANCE AND RELATED PROGRAMSUnder Secretary, Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
Codex Alimentarius$4,805,000
Foreign Agricultural Service Salaries and Expenses$221,835,000
Food For Peace (to be merged with other appropriations)$112,000
Food For Peace Title II Grants$1,740,000,000
McGovern-Dole Grants$230,000,000
Commodity Credit Export Guarantee$6,381,000
FDA Buildings and Facilities$12,788,000
FDA Innovations and Cures$70,000,000
Over 236 billion dollars will go to the Department of Agriculture. So this in not for COVID relief, and this is only one out of 32 divisions.
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