There are thousands of denominations in the world. I am not for any one of them. Every single one
is living life in the flesh. None are living in the Spirit, if they were living in the Spirit, they would knowt
the bible is not God, the bible is the arrows that point to God. It leads us to the unequivocal inner love
of God. If anyone does not experience the glowing inner love of God, the will continue arguing words.
Since every word in the English language us can be debatable it cannot lead to God. The road that leads
to God is the one that Paul describes
Galatians 1:11
I want you to know brothers and sisters, that the gospel is not of human origin. I did not receive it from
any man, taught it, rather I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. (End Quote).
It is only when we can translate words into Spirit that we will be one with God and God within us.
I am not judging anyone, churches were built to confuse and not for us to grow. Right now it has
a long, long time to go. That is why I don't judge anyone, their own words betray them.
I trust all to Jesus, not a preacher or teacher or Bishop or Pope. All of those have an agenda . that means
following anyone of those has a multitude of attachments to the words of Christ. So as Paul states, listen
to the revelation of Christ.
is living life in the flesh. None are living in the Spirit, if they were living in the Spirit, they would knowt
the bible is not God, the bible is the arrows that point to God. It leads us to the unequivocal inner love
of God. If anyone does not experience the glowing inner love of God, the will continue arguing words.
Since every word in the English language us can be debatable it cannot lead to God. The road that leads
to God is the one that Paul describes
Galatians 1:11
I want you to know brothers and sisters, that the gospel is not of human origin. I did not receive it from
any man, taught it, rather I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. (End Quote).
It is only when we can translate words into Spirit that we will be one with God and God within us.
I am not judging anyone, churches were built to confuse and not for us to grow. Right now it has
a long, long time to go. That is why I don't judge anyone, their own words betray them.
I trust all to Jesus, not a preacher or teacher or Bishop or Pope. All of those have an agenda . that means
following anyone of those has a multitude of attachments to the words of Christ. So as Paul states, listen
to the revelation of Christ.
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