The most creative way I have. And I don't think I have ever told anyone this. But is writing music and songs. I have never shown anyone any of my songs, or have ever sang them for anyone. But they fit me. My songs normally go with whatever is happening in my life.
For an example, One day a year back, I had a crush on a girl. Normal teenage thing. And she seemed to like me back. So I let it grow in me. Then one day another guy came along and I became dirt. On the night that it happened, I was actually at a sale barn (A place where people sell livestock or things related to them.. sometimes other things.) And I was walking around alone singing a song as the words came to me. It was about asking her to look through my eyes, and all of the pain she has given me. When all I wanted to do was care for her. I don't think I have ever planned a song, I just sing as it comes.