Don't try, stop trying. Trying itself is "works." It will just make you tired and to no avail. Jesus offers you rest by only casting your cares upon him and letting him do the work in you. If you believe Jesus, then you should ask him to restore you. God said, "You have destroyed yourself, in me is your help." Not in you. You "try" to help yourself to return to Jesus, no, you just turn to him and cry out to him to save you and cleanse you and restore you. The whole bible will just teach you not to trust in yourself (in me, there's no good thing) but only trust in Jesus. So when you don't have any strength, Jesus is your hope. He gives power to the powerLESS. You only need to cry out to him. Only Jesus could fight your giants (enemies, sins, yourself). The Israelites only cried out to God when they faced the giants of Canaan and he delivered them but did not let in those who did not believe that they could defeat the giants through God. It's symbolic.