Hello Everyone!
This Christian journey has certainly not been easy; especially when I was younger, because I, like most people, had a tendency to question everything.
When I didn’t get the answers I was searching for, I leaned upon my own understanding, which of course only caused more questions, a great deal of anger and misery, and a loss in faith. Eventually as I matured I came to understand that getting the answers to all my questions still wouldn’t save me if I wasn’t living the life that I was supposed to be living.
I developed a relationship with God that a lot of people disagree with, and if you have the time, I would like to read YOUR thoughts:
I believe that God is the author of EVERYTHING. Every single thing on our Earth and in our universe, ONLY exist because of HE created it; all of the good, as well as all of the bad…absolutely nothing can exist without HIM.
This would also suggest that God created sin…which is a major idea that Christians frown upon, consider blasphemy, because we are taught from childhood that our God is only capable of creating good and beautiful things. We are taught that everything wrong and dark and evil in our world is not the work of God, but if everyone else…Adam and Eve, of Satan, of mankind because of our misuse of free will…
However; if God is the author of everything in our universe, then that would made Him the author of the pride and arrogance which caused Lucifer to turn on Him. And sin did not simply manifest for absolutely nothing when Adam partook of the forbidden fruit, some sort of “code” for sin had to be written for it to even exist, or else it couldn’t have.
Human, beings that a a billion-times lesser than our God have the ability to do good and bad simultaneously; so logically, it’s not too far fetched that our very own creature is capable of the same.
I love God…and realize that my feeble human mind can’t come even vaguely close to understanding why He created what He did. So I accept all of the good, as well as all the bad.
This Christian journey has certainly not been easy; especially when I was younger, because I, like most people, had a tendency to question everything.
When I didn’t get the answers I was searching for, I leaned upon my own understanding, which of course only caused more questions, a great deal of anger and misery, and a loss in faith. Eventually as I matured I came to understand that getting the answers to all my questions still wouldn’t save me if I wasn’t living the life that I was supposed to be living.
I developed a relationship with God that a lot of people disagree with, and if you have the time, I would like to read YOUR thoughts:
I believe that God is the author of EVERYTHING. Every single thing on our Earth and in our universe, ONLY exist because of HE created it; all of the good, as well as all of the bad…absolutely nothing can exist without HIM.
This would also suggest that God created sin…which is a major idea that Christians frown upon, consider blasphemy, because we are taught from childhood that our God is only capable of creating good and beautiful things. We are taught that everything wrong and dark and evil in our world is not the work of God, but if everyone else…Adam and Eve, of Satan, of mankind because of our misuse of free will…
However; if God is the author of everything in our universe, then that would made Him the author of the pride and arrogance which caused Lucifer to turn on Him. And sin did not simply manifest for absolutely nothing when Adam partook of the forbidden fruit, some sort of “code” for sin had to be written for it to even exist, or else it couldn’t have.
Human, beings that a a billion-times lesser than our God have the ability to do good and bad simultaneously; so logically, it’s not too far fetched that our very own creature is capable of the same.
I love God…and realize that my feeble human mind can’t come even vaguely close to understanding why He created what He did. So I accept all of the good, as well as all the bad.
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