The CIA has every imaginable media outlet covered." - William Casey former director of the CIA
It would be a good idea if those who are interested in our loss of liberty regarding free speech (or the loss of all the other amendments to the Constitution called the Bill of Rights) would consider the big picture.
Since 1948, when the CIA was established by the National Security Act the erosion of government and private rights has continued unabated. Initially the effort was to further establish unelected agencies within the US government in their power. Two incidents accelerated that effort and made them part of established policy. The first was the engineered assassination of President John F. Kennedy by former CIA director Allen Dulles. The second was the elimination of the free press following the Watergate incident and resignation of President Nixon.
Prior to Watergate this nation enjoyed a legion of news outlets and their associated free distribution of editorial opinion. Every city had at least one independent newspaper - sometimes two. The little town I lived in as a child had three.
After Watergate large corporations began to buy up and merge with the smaller news outlets. Even radio stations were affected. In my youth I was a news reporter on a small town radio station. I remember how things were. I remember how things went and they didn't go well. Independent news outlets dried up. Today they are few and far between.
Every news outlet is owned and operated by six major corporations. This does not bode well for free speech. Instead we've got politically correct, economically appropriate, anti-Christian propaganda assaulting us morning noon and night.
It isn't just liberals who are cutting off the news spigot. It's conservatives too. Following 911, the truth about what happened was restricted to the point of absurdity. Every nation on the planet knew what happened and why. Only Americans were deluded into believing a lie. Unelected agencies of the US government were behind it. When a congressional committee began to investigate it, they were shut down by VP Dick Cheney (INTELLIGENCE MATTERS - Senator Bill Graham). Certain embarrassing questions had been raised that were prevented from reaching the public eye
STOP blaming liberals for things even they cannot or will not control. Don't blame conservatives either. Both are in bed together to rip the heart out of America and steal our liberty. Nobody seems to care as everybody is polarized into believing their team is best - when both teams connive to destroy us.
The role of government is to rein in the rights of the people." - Bill Clinton
There ought to be limits to freedom.' - Presidential candidate George W. Bush May 21, 1999
Wild thought:
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are owned by the government. Ours is a system in which the means of production own the government. Congressmen are commodities and Washington a Coke machine: insert your coins, choose your law, and pull the lever. Voila.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
(*) It was discovered that one of the terrorists who allegedly hijacked a plane on 911 was living with an FBI agent prior to the attack. Graham's committee discovered it and Cheney shut them down before they discovered more of CIA's involvement.