I completely understand everything that you have said, but again constantly thinking that God is going to let me down, or let me fall is me not putting all my faith in him. My faith alone is Jesus is what saves me and his blood is what cleanses me. Also, I understand that God sees me through Jesus which means in his eyes I'm perfect. I literally don't understand what everyone is missing. Someone telling me that I'm going to keep sinning over and over again until the day of Christ's return. Is them literally telling me not to put all my faith and trust in Jesus. They are literally telling me to expect God (who HATES sin) not to provide a way out when I am tempted. They are literally saying that He who is in me, isn't greater than he who is in the world if im going to always be bound to sin. The same sin Jesus died to free me from. And he who the Son sets free is free indeed. Not almost free COMPLETELY free. Now if y'all don't want to be free, if y'all want to keep thinking that your always going to sin thats your business. Essentially, someone going around teaching people that they are always going to sin when they serve a perfect God who is way bigger than Sin and is able to keep them from falling does Jesus a complete disservice. No where in the Bible does it state that we are going to have to sin for the rest of our lives!