A valid point. The one area that the young convert could supplant Jesus temptation with would be the fall itself, whom the Apostle also touched on (1Tim 2:14).
Yes, true, Adam was first formed then Eve from his rib as an equal. Even though she sinned first and took the tree of knowledge on herself and did not die, Noting this: Adam was right there with her, and he ate too.
He, then took of that fruit also and became equally guilty. However anyone decides to conjecture why Adam ate is man's conception of the cliff note given in scripture as the entire Bible is full of "Cliff notes" to conjecture stuff from as man has done and continues to do, stop do and then argue over it between one another with the I am right and you re wrong attitudes. which is not well for the Soul at all to me anyways. God is Love to all, that goes pan forever from God, isn't that correct, can we agree on that? Thanks
How sad, I am here by free choice not by having to be, should be or else attitudes of the first born flesh nature.
There is no
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
look to encourage one another over condemning please thanks whether one does or not does, it is free choice to choose