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  1. H

    Temple of God

    You are mistaken. You are making a lot of statements without offering Scripture proof. Proof it with Scripture. Post your proof first then I will post my proof.
  2. H

    How is Donald Trump going to finance all his executive orders?

    To answer the question in the title--- With your money as all government programs are financed.
  3. H

    Temple of God

    Do you have verses that support your view. You first.
  4. H

    Temple of God

    The pope is anti-christ but he is not the antichrist, the man of sin, the beast. The beast will come out of Islam and his kingdom is Islam.
  5. H

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    The falling away is from the truth as revealed by the Scriptures. Israel has never believed the truth so they cannot fall away from it. Only those who have been taught and believed the truth can fall away. This is happening today as more and more Saints are being deceived by the multitude of...
  6. H

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    i agree completely. Could not be more clear. It amazes me how people who claim to be experts in understanding Scripture miss this. I guess they see themselves and the churches today as being more holy and worthy to escape tribulation than our forefathers who suffered greatly, and even died. They...
  7. H

    Trumps gonna win.

    Trump's actions is about give and take just as Biden's was. Anything he gives he must first take from some one else. Those that receive think he is great and those taken from think he is evil. The only thing that really changed is who is receiving and who is giving. Next time a Democrat is...
  8. H

    Behold the Beast System

    But what about long term? Often that is true when new tech first comes but as maintenance and replacement cost is later added, it exceeds what was saved in the beginning. Look at the cost of buying, repairing, and driving these new hi-tech autos today compared to those 10 or 20 years ago.
  9. H

    Behold the Beast System

    I agree it will eliminate certain jobs but will also create jobs that service and repair AI at much higher pay. My question is will it really lower overall cost. As the retail business became more hi-tech the over all cost of labor increased.
  10. H

    Behold the Beast System

    Is there any reliable evidence where AI has really reduced cost when investment and long term maintenance and repair is factored in?
  11. H

    The hardest part of being a Christian is waiting upon the Lord

    Maybe I need to get a few things wrapped up and finished soon and only leave 3. I am getting pretty old.
  12. H

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    I have no doubt that I will Join the Lord in the air at his second coming with all the Saints. You are the one who seems to believe you are more righteous than all those saints that have suffered tribulation and even death in the last 2000 years and even suffering and dying today. So righteous...
  13. H

    Temple of God

    I am never surprised by what those who reject Jesus will do believing they are pleasing God. Much blood has been spilled by such people over the years. And even more will be before Jesus returns.
  14. H

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    See post 62.
  15. H

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    I reject you opinion. You and I now that there is no Scripture that I nor anyone else can show you that will change your mind.
  16. H

    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    Matthew 7:22-23 22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me ye workers of iniquity. Many will stand...
  17. H

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    I do not mean to be rude, but if you believe God has revealed a new prophecy to you, or anybody else, you are deceived.
  18. H

    Behold the Beast System

    My opinion is that what you and others say will never happen. I spent my life working for a national food retailer. I remember when the first scanners were put in the stores. There was a lot of talk about the cost saving and how so much labor cost would be saved. Most stores lost 2 members of...
  19. H

    The Rapture of the church, REAL or NOT REAL?

    The saints are not gathered until the second coming of Jesus at the last trump. I believe the Scriptures are very clear on that. But believe as you wish. Will not waste time debating the issue.
  20. H

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    I agree but Jesus, when he sent the 70 out instructed them to teach those who will receive you and walk away from those who will not shaking the dust off your feet. I think we may waste time on some who will never listen when there are others who are waiting to hear. Time is short, Use it wisely.