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  1. L

    God Uses The Uncommon

    God used a donkey so I have great potential ;)
  2. L

    Denominations are Inevitable

    Seeing how the Pharisees had separate groups within the one group as did the Sadducees under the Mosaic Law. It seems rather conclusive that Protestants would do the same. After all, Jesus said He came to bring division. But that division doesn't mean some Protestants believe in Jesus and...
  3. L

    How Assured are You ?? (of your salvation)

    I was born to a family already that had parents who were born again and filled with the Holy Spirit and part of a Church congregation. So the chances were better than average that I would end up saved myself. But just in case I did flip on it using a coin that had the same image on both sides...
  4. L

    Salvation Lost? Really?

    I took posts at face value and maybe I errored doing so. But if we took Grace as a license to sin for example. This clearly doesn't exemplify someone having the Biblical form of fear of God. It looks more so like arbitration and they're convinced they're smarter than the Word of God.
  5. L

    Salvation Lost? Really?

    I am going by some of the posts here that read like it.
  6. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    Excellent explanation!
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    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

  8. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    But Paul said it generally as people have the faith in order to believe. Ephesians 2 says God comes to us and by our faith we believe. It doesn't say when God comes to us He gives us faith. It says we believe by faith meaning we have the faith already.
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    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    To believe in Santa is a faith that children have and we are to be as children in our faith towards God.
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    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

  11. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

  12. L

    Salvation Lost? Really?

    I'm not scared of God in the example I do something wrong He's there to hurt me but I am awestruck by God. That is what I am talking about.
  13. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    Romans 1 tells us people basically can look at Creation as a form of God manifesting Himself to them and many will reject God. But in order to reject means they have the ability to believe. Romans 1 even furthers the sentiment by explaining because they keep rejecting God He gives them over...
  14. L

    Salvation Lost? Really?

    Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Or this way, be conscious about lining ourselves to God and not to man's doctrine.
  15. L

    Salvation Lost? Really?

    I am quoting his inspired writings. But it's not my place to judge but rather present we need to have a conscious and spiritual fear of God.
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    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    I believe faith exists but doesn't come into usage until God makes Himself known.
  17. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    Have you ever noticed that interpretation falls eerily close to personal belief and personal belief falls eerily close to how one was raised by the Church they grew up in? It's why I made a conscious effort to visit many Churches and doctrines to see because in them all theres manipulation...
  18. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

  19. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    That is your belief but it says everyone is dealt with a measure of faith and doesn't distinguish as you have done.
  20. L

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    I was born and raised in the Church so God was as natural to me as the people around me. To this day I still think to myself my belief is very much child like because I never was an adult coming into faith where you will battle reasoning. We can talk ourselves out of anything through...