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  1. L

    What makes a prayer warrior?

  2. L

    What makes a prayer warrior?

    I believe a Prayer Warrior is someone who knows how to get God's attention and has been a very effective communicator to God and He looks forward to their intercession with Him. They have an extreme measure of faith and God generally answers their prayers. I personally believe they have a...
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    Pre-Trib Objections

    Martha said Last Day. Who's to say what that day is. But I know Jesus doesn't tell her she's wrong because that's what has been taught since the days of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob.
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    The problem of the statement of “never saved to begin with”

    Jesus gave us the Great Commission and we read in the Gospels if we are truly followers and love Him we will obey Him. I wonder how many profess accepting His Gift but refuse to make Disciples? If no one is obeying Jesus, how can they claim they truly love Him :unsure:
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    7 fold blessings...

    Proverbs 6:31 "If the thief is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house"
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    Pre-Trib Objections

    The Coming of the Son of Man 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then will appear in heaven sthe sign of the Son of Man, and...
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    Pre-Trib Objections

    As you see Jesus DOESN'T CORRECT her but this verse tells us that the RESURRECTION is on the LAST DAY.
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    Pre-Trib Objections

    You know when Jesus arrived to raise Lazarus that during the conversation with Martha she clarified the belief that Lazarus would be raised on the LAST DAY. The LAST DAY is the SECOND COMING and Jesus never speaks about any coming before the Last Day. 24 Martha said to him, “I know he will...
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    To keep the law of Moses, you must obey Jesus

    I did confirm a Protestant Church that I attend but you made it seem that was not possible. So I went about seeing what qualifies as a Protestant Church to you before I would reveal the Church I am a part of. But it's all good seeing that from word GO you determined it to be impossible that my...
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    Has anyone suffered from religious OCD?

    The issue that exists is no one truly has a complete understanding of the Word of God and everything related to it. We don't actually know if Grace means how we define it or not. The same with Mercy. We have a general concept but thinking we can live this way versus that way we don't have...
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    Some of the OT can be hard to stomach

    Look at the history of each Nation. They completely rejected God and represented a type of Sin.
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    Was the Darkness that came upon the land at the cross localised or worldwide?

    According to the early Christian scholar Julius Africanus, Thallus apparently refers, in the third book of his histories, to the darkness at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and explained it away as a solar eclipse; there is a range of interpretations on the matter. The importance of...
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    To keep the law of Moses, you must obey Jesus

    Those Churches proclaim to be Protestant even with the vast differences. Out of the ones listed which ones do not qualify in your opinion?
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    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    You would not be able to structure a sentence properly because the format of the Language is structured opposite of the English Language. I could surmise what you write but it would not make sense until I or someone else restructured it. I am off to work but should be back later.
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    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    But that has absolutely nothing to do with which translation of English being better than another. If anything, it means ALL English translations are equally adequate. But for someone like myself I still get a truer translation reading the Hebrew because I know it. But the New Testament is...
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    To keep the law of Moses, you must obey Jesus

    If you think in terms of Protestant Churches which Churches do you think about? Baptist, Wesleyan, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Methodist?
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    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    The English Language did not exist during both the Old Testament and New Testament eras so NO, God would never have considered using the English Language that was non existent at that time. And the fact that the English Language doesn't exist until well after the Bible is written shows us it's...
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    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    As a person who grew up reading and understanding the Hebrew Language I can say with certainty there's no such thing as other translations. The Greek itself is however a mixture of dialects much like the Chinese Languages. That's why you might have several meanings for a single word. But...
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    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    God used Greek for the New Testament and English is too complicated to be exact. So making your claim is futile.
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    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    I've been watching this thread and decided to toss out some real truth. The Greek Language is fascinating because there's literally 2 to 4 possible meanings to every word and it's designed where all of the possible meanings can be used without distorting the general viewpoint. In other...