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  1. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    Not true, I have answered actual points. I dont expect to change minds, but im looking for insights more than fox news talking points. "who do you think you are" really? Its a discussion on Ukraine and thats what to expect a discussion. Your post stating with that condescending arrogance...
  2. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    Give me a break....:rolleyes:
  3. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    The majority of this is conspiracy talking points. Im a fan of Trump, but Afghanistan was his deal. Biden and co just made a damn mess of it. You arent fighting any wars, your providing support to Ukraine. You know that 800B P/A military complex needs paid, that money goes back into American...
  4. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    The UK are already helping, being the most pro-active outside the US. Including arms, money and training. Thats why they ended up on Putins hit list. Not to mention Boris Johnson for all his flaws, leading the way with his pro-Ukrainian lobbying of other EU states.
  5. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    Putin already threatened Ireland and UK, with nukes. His puppet Lavrov said he will make the UK desolate with one nuke. Your safer than me in this current climate, but focus on the poor people looking for a better life crossing the border. Thats the Christian way. Again American isolationism...
  6. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    Irish/ UK. You want to return to a policy of appeasement? That worked for Europe in 1939. Just let Putin retake eastern Europe and put up the iron curtain again. It may be best to study history and see where appeasements with dictators leads.
  7. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    I am sorry but your so far off base here. Russia will never attack American soil, why? Its pointless. They have a GDP of less than one of your own states! They are not a superpower. American policy makers know this, and China is the focus (see Tiawan). Do you have any idea how closely China...
  8. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    The fact is America has created a western world reliant on its military and economic dominance since WW2. They happily took the reins from the collapse of the European powers that ended up bankrupt and destroyed following WW2. 1) Its in American interests to see Russia fail, why? To ensure...
  9. flowingpathUK

    Ukraine & The American Right

    I have a question regarding Christian Americans and their views on the Ukraine conflict, specifically the financial and military aid provided by the USA. Essentially Billions of foreign aid and weapons. Going on twitter and the various talking heads on that platform, the American right...
  10. flowingpathUK

    Take up your cross - what does Jesus mean🤔

    I believe we do not need to forsake discipleship to understand that it is not about works. We should strive to be and live as Christ did, if we are followers...we follow surely.
  11. flowingpathUK

    God's Big Plan

    in truth it's impossible to say, outside quotes Bible verses.
  12. flowingpathUK

    Take up your cross - what does Jesus mean🤔

    Total self-sacrifice. How many of us can be called disciples? It is very difficult as we live such selfish lives, all about self-promotion in the modern world.
  13. flowingpathUK

    What are UFOs to you?

    It's possible. But it would certainly serve governmental interests to keep the public seeing UFO's and not stealth craft or advanced drones. The sea of disinformation is so vast even if something did leak or get captured on film, it would be dismissed as false even by other governments. The foo...
  14. flowingpathUK

    What are UFOs to you?

    99% are fake's, hoaxes etc or wrongly identifying natural phenomena. The final % seems to be advanced weapon systems and drones.
  15. flowingpathUK

    Why do Christians tell you you shouldn't ask GOD for material things?

    I always associated the desire for more money (beyond your own needs) to be unhelpful. If your damaging other aspects of your family life, spiritual life and so on for more money that seems a dangerous path. Even if greed isn't at the core of that motive.
  16. flowingpathUK

    New member (Northern Ireland)!

    Hello everyone, Great to be on the site and hope to have some great conversations on the forum :) Any fellow Northern Irish here?