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  1. ReQuiem

    Orthodox Jew answers a few questions

    What do you think Jude 6-7 is referring to? "6 And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; 7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these...
  2. ReQuiem

    Orthodox Jew answers a few questions

    As christians we believe the "sons of God" of Genesis 6 are angels and that they are to be punished for what they did. What is your view about these; are they angels? And was it right for them to go unto the daughter of men?
  3. ReQuiem

    Orthodox Jew answers a few questions

    I am quite intrigued by the "not really" in point 5; who do you say is הַשָּׂטָ֖ן in Job 1:6?
  4. ReQuiem

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    How many times have you read the Bible? Read it cover to cover once a year for a few years; pray about the parts you struggle to understand and let the Holy Spirit give you wisdom and understanding. That is going to be a much better curriculum than any Bible college you can attend. Anyway...
  5. ReQuiem

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    Am I in the place of God to tell you of his plans? Maybe you are not looking for the right thing; maybe you not finding it will allows you to fulfill something else that adds value to your or someone else´s life; maybe you did not ask and therefore you do not receive; or maybe you ask for wrong...
  6. ReQuiem

    Why do bad things happen to good people and christians?

    That is not true; God interfere all the time; he even sometimes limits some people´s free will to some extent; you should try reading the book HE wrote.
  7. ReQuiem

    Do you believe everything the Bible says?

    Yes, although I still question my own understanding of it to this day. (Most of it I feel I have a pretty good grasp; but some things are hard to have a clear view of; but my understanding of it grows by the day thanks to the Holy Spirit's work in me and the wisdom God is faithful to grant me...
  8. ReQuiem

    Flat earth debunked.

    "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes,[...]" "[...] And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire." Just a couple passages to meditate upon...
  9. ReQuiem

    Just got out of an abusive relationship.

    Well I do not know what you mean by dating. If by dating you mean courting a woman; getting to know her in several activities and such. Yes; nothing wrong with that; in fact very important to get to know eachother and make sure you are not going to be unequally yoked. However if dating means...
  10. ReQuiem

    Can a liberal and a conservative

    Well since liberals can't be christians, and christians are not supposed to marry unbelievers. No. hahaha
  11. ReQuiem

    Chat down

    , Well I did offer to help with maintaining and fixing the app for free; my post got deleted and I received no answer. So if that one person refuses the help of qualified developer offering to work for free that isn't my fault. :) The chat is actually the first thing I found; at first I only...
  12. ReQuiem

    Fave verses defending the divinity of Christ.

    I did in fact study the hebrew of this text when I first got stumbled by reading this verse in the KJV; I first checked a list of other translations and seeing as they all differed so much I checked with the hebrew; and did indeed carefully watch the word "תְּנוּאָתִֽי"; and seeing as you seem...
  13. ReQuiem

    Fave verses defending the divinity of Christ.

    So on what basis are you assuming that I did not look at the hebrew? God does not break his promises; he made it very clear from the beginning that we had a choice between life and death, blessing and curse. His promise does include "promising us death and curse" if we disobey. So this is...
  14. ReQuiem

    Chat down

    That is because I re-made a signature; as for my discord link on this thread I can not see it anymore, I can see Mil's quotation of my original message but not the original one.
  15. ReQuiem

    Chat down

    Oh but seeing as my post disappeared and my signature got removed I gather it is more important that this site get the credit rather than allowing brothers and sisters to fellowship together another way. The chat isn't even fixed yet and it is more of a priority to delete discord links? Smh.
  16. ReQuiem

    Chat down

    Hello, well there are already 10 people so it is growing pretty fast; not everyone has been talking a lot yet, but in less than a day it was a pretty fast growth. You could join now and see how it goes; would be easyer for me than to track you down when we reach a satisfactory number of people...
  17. ReQuiem

    Chat down

    Hmm yes, I likes the easy side of the chat; you just join and talk with who's there; also the mic can be a pleasant way to exchange with peoples. But I must admit it does seems like the forum can be a pretty nice place to be around aswell; a different kind of exchanges I think. Might stick...
  18. ReQuiem

    יהוה אל רחום וחנון ארך אפים ורב חסד ואמת

    יהוה אל רחום וחנון ארך אפים ורב חסד ואמת
  19. ReQuiem

    Fave verses defending the divinity of Christ.

    Jeremiah 17:10 -> Revelation 2:23 Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 41:4; Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 46:4; Isaiah 48:12; Isaiah 51:12; Isaiah 52:6-> John 8:25; John 8:58; John 18:5; John 18:8 (John 10:33) Isaiah 44:6->Revelation 1:8->Revelation 22:13-16 These are verses that shows parallels...
  20. ReQuiem

    Fave verses defending the divinity of Christ.

    Read numbers 14:34; the KJV translation is so bad it actually says God breaks his promises. This is why christians should stick to the NKJV. :p (In all seriousness, christians should first stick with a Bible they will read; nearly all translations are decent if you avoid really heretical one...