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  1. J

    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    Think you better read that text again my friend Joh_11:26 and everyone who lives and believes G4100 (G5719) in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" G5723 Tense-Present See [G5774] Voice-Active See [G5784] Mood -Participle See [G5796] Tense-Present simple statement of fact...
  2. J

    Not By Works

    I am so glad that someone came along that knows everything, must great to be you. Your condescending attitude is really not needed. I do study the bible and what I see is that God is in control but not in the way you want Him to be. God really wants people to love Him but He will not force...
  3. J

    Not By Works

    You use the words "predestining people to salvation". Are you saying that God has picked out all those that will be saved or do you mean that He knows who will freely chose to trust in His son? That is a subtle difference but an important one.
  4. J

    Not By Works

    I am not questioning how people are saved, it is through faith in Christ Jesus {Messiah}. And note they were saved in time not before creation as you have said. Could you clarify for me which one do you mean is the gift of God? Salvation or Faith
  5. J

    Not By Works

    You are the one that says salvation was completed before time began. That puts your view in human time. So once again if we were all saved before time began then why the cross or faith. There is a vast difference between God knowing who would be saved and someone being saved. Can you not see that?
  6. J

    Not By Works

    I agree without the cross no one would be saved, but you have people saved long before the cross, long before anything at all. So I ask the same question, under your view of when salvation takes place why the cross and why faith?
  7. J

    Not By Works

    If we were saved before time then as I said why the cross and why faith? Neither would be required as all those to be saved are already saved according to you. You say >>If we did not have faith. God would know. And we would not be saved before time, now would we<<. But can you not see the error...
  8. J

    Not By Works

    I agree God knows all that is going to happen but He does not cause it to happen. But you said salvation was completed before time began >>Salvation was ACCOMPLISHED IN FULL, by our ALL KNOWING GOD, BEFORE TIME BEGAN.<< So that prompted the questions. If as you say, salvation was accomplished in...
  9. J

    Not By Works

    I ask you the same question "if we were saved before time began then why the cross" Although God is timeless we are not. While God knows who will be saved we do not. Salvation happens in time when we place our faith in Christ Jesus. But if we were saved before time began we would not even need...
  10. J

    Not By Works

    This a verse will show you the love of Christ Jesus. He is the one that holds us secure in His love. Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and...
  11. J

    Not By Works

    I only have two questions for you, if as you say, salvation was accomplished in full before time began, then why the cross? Why did Christ Jesus have to suffer for something that was already accomplished. And why the requirement for faith?
  12. J

    Not By Works

    I can remember a number of years ago when I would have those bouts of self doubt. But I talked to an older minister of mine who told me something that at the time did not quite click but has made since as I have gotten older. When I asked him how he knew he was saved his reply was "I know, that...
  13. J

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    Why would you assume that I do not study the scriptures? If I have said what you are putting forward has problems as I see ti then you can be sure that is because I have studied the scriptures like a Berean. But thanks for the suggestion.
  14. J

    Not By Works

    I notice that you duck the question and then resort to a tactic that you think avoids any response. You clearly do not understand scripture as the bible is clear that the condition of salvation is faith in Christ Jesus. But you want to add works to that so you are teaching another gospel. You...
  15. J

    Not By Works

    If as you say you know the believer then why would you question what he says. You have accused him of putting forward works salvation when it is clear from what he wrote that that is not what he said. You are reading into his text what you want to find. Do you find it hard to admit that you...
  16. J

    Not By Works

    So you are adding the work of confession, as you see it, to salvation. Just to be clear, are you saying that faith in Christ Jesus is not sufficient to be saved.
  17. J

    Not By Works

    I think you are swallowing camels and straining gnats. On one hand you say >>A man MUST confess with his “voice”, whether through his mute consciousness or sign language or in his regular voice. << Then you say that "Faith Alone" is a doctrine of man. Really, if the bible tells me that I am...
  18. J

    Not By Works

    Here is the post from Chester: (post 152093) >>Why "have to do"? To me it is not a have to, but a "get to". I am not satisfied at all with that "all we have to do is believe and accept": I want to live my belief out in real life in my actions and behavior every day. Out of gratefulness...
  19. J

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    If you think it is just a matter of semantics then you need to look more closely into oneness. They have a modalistic view of God that is not biblical. They view the Trinity not as three distinct persons but rather as three modes or forms of activity under which God manifests Himself.
  20. J

    Understanding the Trinity as a doctrine.

    What you are putting forward here is not even close to biblical. Just because you string a number of unrelated verses together does not prove anything. Some of the things that you have said border on heresy.