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  1. B

    Salvation, How do I find it?

    A “change of lifestyle” and a “change of conduct” is REPENTANCE. Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology uses these words, “ Turning away from sin”, and “Both motive and CONDUCT are to be radically CHANGED.” So you are saying the thing that makes the faith of the demons in James 2...
  2. B

    ~Subtle Warnings~

    That’s all very interesting but what has that got to do with what Paul said in Romans 16:16–“ The churches of Christ salute you.”? As far as I can tell, the churches in the New Testament were called churches of Christ, the church of God, church of the firstborn, all referring to Christ who...
  3. B

    Salvation, How do I find it?

    You are right. We are not under the Old Jewush jaw if that is what you mean. But Hebrews 7 says that God CHANGED the law. We still are under law—not the old law of the Jews—but the NEW law of Christ. Yes, Jesus nailed that old law to His cross. Col.2:14. The old law was a law of bondage...
  4. B

    Salvation, How do I find it?

    We are not without law. We are under the law of Christ. He has given commandments and expects us to obey them. Matthew 7 in that judgment scene, Jesus sends those who are not keeping His law into hell. Read verse 23-“ Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness—those are the ones not under...
  5. B

    Salvation, How do I find it?

    After we believe and repent—then what? When does the blood of Christ cleanse us of our sins? At the point of faith? At the point of repentance? Why have you left out confession when Romans 10:10 specifically says it is unto salvation and Jesus said if we don’t confess Him, he won’t confess...
  6. B

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    where is that in the Bible?
  7. B

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    Some of those “contradictions” could have possible explanations; but, regardless, they do not affect my soul’s salvation, nor any necessary information that I might need to get to heaven. I still think it is more reasonable to believe than to not believe. Someone would have to be able to...
  8. B

    Fundamentalism and Particular Baptists

    True, we do not have the original manuscripts of the Bible, but don’t let that cause your faith in it to waver. If I were to doubt the Bible’s accuracy or purity, I would be doubting God’s power. For surely if He is as powerful as the scriptures say, He can protect and preserve His own Book...
  9. B

    The topic of doctrine

    I agree that God cares about “doctrine” because of 2 John 9–“ whoever transgresses and does not abide in the DOCTRINE of Christ does not have God.”
  10. B

    The topic of doctrine

    And Lydia. Acts 16:14. However, I’m not sure I believe God did it supernaturally. There are 2 things we know for sure. 1) God knows our hearts.. He can read hearts. And 2) God is not a respecter of persons. So, in Exodus when it says God “HARDENED” Pharoah’s heart, but He “OPENED” Lydia’s...
  11. B

    Written For Our Admonition #2 1Corinthians 10:11

    Paul said the things that happened in the Old Testament were “our examples” (verse 6) and written for our admonition so that we might learn from them not to sin “as some of them”. There are many stories in the Old Testament that teach wonderful lessons for us and are supported by scriptures in...
  12. B

    The topic of doctrine

    Jesus said He WOULD build it in Matthew 16:18, but in the gospels it is always spoken of in future tense. He told Peter That he would give him the “keys to the kingdom”. Peter is the one who will “open” the door of the kingdom. In Acts 2, at Jerusalem, with Jews from every nation there, Peter...
  13. B

    The topic of doctrine

    There is a book by Jefferson David Tant called “where did they all come from”; you can purchase it online for as little as $3.00. It is an excellent little book documenting the establishment of prominent churches over the last 2000 years and by whom. It starts out something like this: (His...
  14. B

    The topic of doctrine

    while this is certainly true, that doesn’t mean that it is right. This is the same thing as “Everyone did that which was right in their own eyes.” Judges 21:25.we are suppose to “conform” ourselves to it, not make it fit us as we want to be. Romans 12:1
  15. B

    Written fir our Admonition 1 Corinthians 10:11

    ________________________________________________ It’s not hard to understand. But you must have an Honest heart and believe what the scriptures say.
  16. B

    Written fir our Admonition 1 Corinthians 10:11

    You very conveniently left out the rest of the chapter in Actsc13 that plainly shows why Paul and the apostles went to the synagogues on the Sabbath, first in every city that had one. They knew all of the Jews would be gathered there and EVERY TIME they used this opportunity to teach and...
  17. B

    Written fir our Admonition 1 Corinthians 10:11

    You must be mixed up. Hebrews 7 says the law had to be changed. Colossians 2 says we are not to be judged for not keeping the Sabbath, along with other Old Jewish regulations, because Jesus has TAKEN THEM AWAY AND NAILED Them TO HIS CROSS. It doesn’t get any plainer than that.
  18. B

    Written fir our Admonition 1 Corinthians 10:11

    You are right—man cannot reverse what GOD has done, BUT GOD CAN—and did . Hebrews 7 says GOD (not man) changed the law; and not just about Priest, He changed all of the law from Judaism to The law of Christ. Even in Matthew 5-7 Jesus was changing the law. The old law taught “you shall not...