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  1. G

    What shall a christian woman wear?

    the bible has a lot to say about the way women and men dress.....God said it is an abomination for a women to wear anything that pertains to a man, or for a man to wear women'g garments Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV) 5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put...
  2. G

    Not By Works

    No problem, thanks I wish I had time to keep up with everything everyone is saying but I can't. I'm normally scanning through reading bits and pieces until someone asks me a question........I'm sure I'm missing a lot.
  3. G

    Not By Works

    Looks like we will just have to agree to disagree......I think it's plainly talking about a backslider whose father said was dead and Lost......and dead in sin and lost will go to obviously don't see it that way
  4. G

    Not By Works

    Godandguns said: I don't know how much simpler it could get........Jesus said the Son was dead and lost......twice Your rignt seems most here is on edge ready to give someone a verbal beat down for not agreeing with them or answering in a way they think you should,........ The Bible teaches me...
  5. G

    Not By Works

    Do You think he earned his salvation by coming home??? Before he left home he said to father.......give me When he came home he said .... .make me as a servant Showing his heart changed
  6. G

    Not By Works

    What on Earth are you talking about? How can you ban me? I don't think you know how to handle someone who disagrees with you.....if you don't want to discuss scripture then don't respond to my posts.....I'm not here looking for an argument......we what! Paul and Barnabas...
  7. G

    Not By Works

    Jesus said "the son was dead and Lost" twice he said this same as you and i when we were dead in our sins could it be? 1.) coin.....woman lost....through her own neglect 2.) sheep.....lost .....from just wandering away 3.) son.....full of rebellion says i'm out of...
  8. G

    Not By Works

    I'm not a robot I choose to love and obey God....... If God forced me to love him you really couldn't call it love so you tell me my above statement REEKS FROM PRIDE......and then proceed to tell me what i was thinking when i said it! where is once ounce of pride in that statement? do you...
  9. G

    Not By Works

    thanks, but i'm so lost in this thread right now i don't even know who i'm talking to.....and i think some think i'm arguing with them, hard to keep up... i certainly believe in the chastening of the lord, i have been on the receiving end of it more than i care to say. I am convinced though...
  10. G

    Not By Works

    I don't know how much simpler it could get........Jesus said the Son was dead and lost......twice Your rignt seems most here is on edge ready to give someone a verbal beat down for not agreeing with them or answering in a way they think you should,........ The Bible teaches me to turn the...
  11. G

    Not By Works

    Not if he dies in The Hog Pen dead and Lost.......... Again the point of the parable.....the son came to himself and came back home........ The father said he was lost and dead. The Same as you and I were when we were dead in our sins........what was the point of any of these stories in Luke 15...
  12. G

    Not By Works

    I pointed this out to you yesterday and was accused of being condescending. Jesus absolutely said The Prodigal Son was dead and lost 1.) It is his story he is the one telling it. Since he is the author of it 2) would Jesus use a lie to teach you the truth? Of course not You are right...
  13. G

    Not By Works

    Sorry I missed this question I think your question it's self validates my point......there is no difference in a dead son and a non son or a lost son.....neither can enjoy anything the father, his house etc ....... Again remember the point of the parable and its context he is talking about...
  14. G

    Not By Works

    Didn't have calvenist in mind.....just giving NNM some scriptures about obeying God from earlier
  15. G

    Not By Works

    Makes perfect sense to me.... especially when put into context And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that...
  16. G

    Not By Works

    What is your definition eternal life?
  17. G

    Not By Works

    I am not making light of God's word. I was responding to what you said. I am very serious about the word of God and my relationship with him. I don't think it is God's will, just because we are saved, to walk around and look like we just ate a lemon and chased it with prune juice
  18. G

    Not By Works

    I agree with this 100%
  19. G

    Not By Works

    So a goat can become a sheep.... But a sheep cannot become a goat. LOL
  20. G

    Not By Works