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    Faith crisis

    Hello Laineinthenw, Am sorry that you are going through a lot of trials currently in your life. I pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will be your portion. The bible says if two will agree and decree it will be established. As you are reading right now I want you to agree...
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    Don't believe God is good

    Umzza, I can understand that life can be challenging and look so unfair but one thing I can say is that God is not cruel. People will be mean and cruel to us because they choose to do so by will. Bad thing happens to good people too. Sometimes God allow certain things into our life for a purpose...
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    But Jesus only told one person...

    Jesus did not condemn him about his money but Jesus advised him to help the poor and the needy. Obedience of God's instructions alone is not enough but helping the needy and being compassion is also necessary as a believer