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  1. christiangamer

    I need strength

    I dont know really how to talk about the problem I am currently facing. I haven't self-mutilated in a long time, but unfortunately I let extreme levels of stress, frustration, and depression get the better of me today. I thought this was something I had defeated and I never thought I'd allow...
  2. christiangamer

    To Judge, Or Not To Judge, That Is My Question.

    I recently had a debate in another thread and it has evolved to the point of neither of us being entirely sure of what we are talking about. One side of the debate being that we are not to judge. A used Scripture on this side of the fence was Matthew 7:1 (ESV - "Judge not, that you be not...
  3. christiangamer

    prayer request for myself

    All I want is to grow in my faith and become a better Christian, but I fear I'm regressing... I've been getting too quick to frustration when I don't understand things, and others have been quick to frustration with me when I don't understand them, either. I feel like I'm seeking Jesus and...
  4. christiangamer

    Hymns for those who know none?

    Having not grown up in Church, I've only recently begun to hear and try to learn Church hymns. The very VERY few (like as in 2) that I can identify when I hear, I've grown very fond of the past few days. So it makes me wonder, could anyone here share with me their favorite hymn (or a few if...
  5. christiangamer

    missing Malaysian Airline

    Oh, that show's too classic.
  6. christiangamer

    Daystar & Other Christian Television

    Are any of the many Christian channels on TV any good? I know there are some highly questionable personalities involved with televangelism, but as one of the only TV stations I'm able to watch for free on my computer is Daystar. I was wondering if anyone knows of any worthwhile programming...
  7. christiangamer

    My dad needs prayer.

    I just wanted to post today and ask for prayer on behalf of my unsaved father, who has been battling stage four cancer for quite some time now, but has just recently been diagnosed with COPD and pneumonia on top of this. It's becoming increasingly difficult for my family, and it's my hope that...
  8. christiangamer

    Blain's Kitten spam Thread

    pika pi?
  9. christiangamer

    The Pope: Biblical Holy Man or A Bunch of Hogwash?

    I've heard it both ways and I'm just curious what everyone thinks. Some say that when Jesus said He was building his Church upon "This Rock", he was referring to Peter and thus making him the first Pope. Then again, as many times as I've opened a Bible, I feel like I should've seen the word Pope...
  10. christiangamer

    Do All Dogs REALLY Go to Heaven?

    or has the magical picture box betrayed my childhood trust? i really dont know if pets have souls or not. what does the Bible say on this?
  11. christiangamer

    Blain's Kitten spam Thread

    ze kitteh avengers
  12. christiangamer

    The spongeBob Thread- Booya:]

    no that's this face.
  13. christiangamer

    drug test

    I don't get a free ride now? What?
  14. christiangamer

    The spongeBob Thread- Booya:]

    You already know how that goes.
  15. christiangamer

    drug test

    i am a recovering hardcore stoner. before i knew better i thought weed was my only path to happiness. i havent smoked it in a good while but a couple weeks ago i was starving and ate a big plate of brownies before i realized they were pot brownies :( anyway, im trying to get this job thursday...
  16. christiangamer

    Aloha from exotic Ohio!

    i'm a newbie here :D i love God, my girlfriend, video games, and music. hopefully i can score me a friend or two here :D