Search results

  1. AbigailZeke

    Natural Facial Care

    Hello, my friends. So I have tried something yesterday and I wanted to share with you all and hear about your own tips and regimens when it comes to facial care. I've been looking for natural ways to exfoliate and to replace my face mask with. I found something easy to make and it's only the...
  2. AbigailZeke

    Are God's Blessings Conditional? Please read OP

    Not talking about salvation (the greatest blessing!) but blessings as in good stuff, right happenings ("qarah" in Hebrew), miracles, favor, etc. The bible says we 'reap what we sow' (old testament) and the world says the same thing, basically. By 'condition' I don't count 'faith' and/or...
  3. AbigailZeke

    Prayer for safe travel

    Hello my friends. I'll be traveling again tomorrow and the Lord knows I hate turbulence. I would appreciate zero turbulence :rolleyes: That aside, please pray for me, for a safe travel, perfect weather, no delays and a peaceful flight. For courage (as I'll be doing more travelling in the...
  4. AbigailZeke

    Wedding Songs

    Songs you want to play / played on your wedding day :) If you want, feel free to share something about your wedding day!
  5. AbigailZeke

    Your Favourite Foreign Food!

    This is most likely an unoriginal thread but whatever. :) This was inspired by Joefizz' other food thread. What's your favourite foreign food? I love Korean food, especially Kimchi based like Kimchi Stew: And I love mango desserts: Mango Sticky Rice (Thai) Mango Float (Filipino)...
  6. AbigailZeke

    What Colour Is This Dress?

  7. AbigailZeke

    What Causes People To Commit Sin?

    I'm posting it here (misc and not bdf) cause I wanna hear from people with real experiences and I don't wanna turn this into a battlefield. What causes people to 'sin'? And by sin, I mean, whatever you categorise as sin. It could be: The sin of unbelief in Jesus. The sin of breaking any one...
  8. AbigailZeke

    Fantasy In Heaven

    I often wonder about this. In heaven, will there be 'fantasy'? Will people spend time to imagine things? Will people write fiction? What do you think?
  9. AbigailZeke

    What To Do When Bored?

    I know this has been asked a million times, but hey, people change :p So, for those who live alone, what do you normally do when you're bored (or like on your days off).
  10. AbigailZeke

    The Law of Liberty, The Law of Love

    So, my reading today was so good. To me, at least. I will share my notes here. Romans 14, The Law of Liberty & The Law of Love. 1"Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things." Paul goes on to cite an example dispute about food and eating. Basically, to one...
  11. AbigailZeke

    Year 2016 Song

    Warning: This will be a long post. xD Continue at your own risk. Hello friends. 2016 is wrapping up. How was it? Was it good? Bad? Okay? Could've been better? Did we learn something or did we let it pass by so fast? Were there any regrets? Or was it happy? Satisfying? Did you like it? Express...
  12. AbigailZeke

    If you were an animal...

    ...and I don't mean a specie that belongs to the kingdom animalia, which includes humans, but an animal animal xD Would you rather be wild or domestic? What animal and why? And yes, this has been asked before, cause there is nothing new under the sun :rolleyes:
  13. AbigailZeke

    Between giving and not giving a darn - Christian boundaries

    Hello friends. I have a question. This is an area of life that's still new to me. Growing up as a pushover and having been bullied until college, I've recently started discovering a whole new better way of living (it started in Aug 2015). I have read a few books on managing myself and how to...
  14. AbigailZeke

    If there is one global issue that you could fix...

    If there is one global issue (or not global but still a major issue) that you could fix, which one is it and how? There are many categories to choose from. This website can help you choose too: Global Issues : social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all — Global...
  15. AbigailZeke

    only the one who does the will of my Father

    "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21 Question is, which will?
  16. AbigailZeke

    Help with shoes

    Hello friends. I need help and advise from whoever's free to read this thread xD So I only wear wedge sandals and shoes and the brand that I really liked growing up is not delivering overseas so... I'm on a hunt for a new partner in life. I heard Aerosoles are really comfy, but I want to know...
  17. AbigailZeke

    Modern Psychology and Christianity

    Hi all. I have had this thing against modern psychology for quite some time now, that, as far as I know, are very contradicting to God's Word. I wouldn't get bothered by it, except, instead of helping people get better, it leads them to life-ruining traps. Feel free to correct me as I have had...
  18. AbigailZeke

    Life Scenarios: One rainy afternoon

    This is another attempt to get to know you more guys :rolleyes: So, scenario 1: You're at home, it's after 1pm and it's raining heavily. What would you be doing? (Sample answers: sleeping, reading, watching cat videos, wouldn't be at home, etc) Scenario 2: Someone suddenly shows up at your...
  19. AbigailZeke

    Sunrise, Sunset?

    Inspired by Kim's 5AM thread. So, are you a sunrise or sunset person? Listen to this song if you need help deciding:
  20. AbigailZeke

    Nose Rings

    With all this talk about hair and earrings and noses (nose hair, specifically), I was wondering what you all think about nose rings for women? I was reading about Isaac and Rebekah and the nose ring (Genesis 24:30) and I was wondering about people's perception of it. I am Asian and where I...