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  1. AbigailZeke

    The Handwriting Challenge

    So, are you guys up for this challenge? We thought it'd be cool to see our CC friends' handwriting. This takes more effort than usual threads lol but that's why it's a challenge xD. Here let me show you the steps: 1.) Get a clean sheet of paper and a pen. 2.) Write anything. (A greeting, a...
  2. AbigailZeke

    Dr. Strange Can't hide my fangirling over this. Benedict Cumberbatch + Marvel. Who else is excited for this? November 2016. Yeah.
  3. AbigailZeke

    What Are Good Christian Biography Books?

    I'm looking for biography books to read. Preferably people who influenced the church, or those who made a big impact in our peoples' lives. People from then (Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, etc) and now (living testimonies). Any suggestions?
  4. AbigailZeke

    Prayers for my uncle

    He visited my parents and stayed with them for 3 days, on his way back home, he had a stroke. Now he's in the hospital and we're waiting for news. Please keep him in your prayers.
  5. AbigailZeke

    Current Mood

    Let's get personal! Share your moods and feelings in GIF:
  6. AbigailZeke

    Funny Reptile Pictures

    Sorry.. I couldn't resist. I would've made a 'funny human pictures' thread but that's too harsh xD
  7. AbigailZeke

    The Good Habit Thread

    "You are what you repeatedly do." Hello friends! This is a thread to inspire and motivate others who are a) beginners in setting good habits for having a better relationship with God, leading to a better life and b) for those who are struggling with perseverance in keeping their commitments to...
  8. AbigailZeke

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Here's the hi-res version:
  9. AbigailZeke

    Offline Hobbies

    Do you have any hobbies that do not involve the internet (stuff that don't require going online)? Like gardening, hiking and other stuff? I love biking and reading and I'm planning to take some time to go biking at the park, and bring a book. What are your offline hobbies?
  10. AbigailZeke

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    I didn't do this today, but as I had to go straight to work after, hadn't had time to post until today. Me at Melacca City, Malaysia (yesterday)
  11. AbigailZeke

    Dealing with Controlling 'group' of people

    After I read the book boundaries, it opened my eyes to many many things that were very wrong with how I was living and living with others. Ever since then I've been learning how to identify who I am, and being free from what people expected me to be. I don't have a support group to back me up...
  12. AbigailZeke

    Left or Right Brained?

    Look at the picture below and tell us which way the girl is spinning. If she's spinning counter-clockwise, means you're more left-brained: uses logic, detail oriented, facts rule, words and language, present and past, math and science, can comprehend, knowing, acknowledges, order/pattern...
  13. AbigailZeke

    Could You See Yourself Living in a Tiny House?

    Oh I love talking about houses! Lol. I can live in both small and large spaces. I have no preference tbh. I mean, this: Can be just as good as this (considering the costs, and except this one seriously needs to replace that vintage PC): A bigger house is easier to design because of the...
  14. AbigailZeke

    If you were a character in Avengers...

    Yeah! The quiz is a great idea! Here it is:
  15. AbigailZeke

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    I went biking at 2PM. I was on fire (almost literally) because it was too hot! I done my groceries. Had kimchi and roasted pork for lunch. Re-decorated my room, and saved space, now I have more than enough space to work out and even do cartwheels xD. I took a picture of my photo wall. This is...
  16. AbigailZeke

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    So I actually wore this dress/undershirt today to work and put cardigan over it + yoga pants. #bohowannabelol
  17. AbigailZeke

    Where Is Siberian_Khatru?

    Has anyone seen our resident troll?
  18. AbigailZeke

    If you were a character in Avengers...

    Who would you be and why? As for me, why, Dr. Strange of course.
  19. AbigailZeke

    Tithes to local church or body of Christ?

    It shouldn't be confusing. The local church is part of the body of Christ. But every church I've been to believes that tithes should 'only' be given to the local church. I've always had a problem with this. I have a church and help out (ministry). My parents go to another church and help out...