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  1. AbigailZeke

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    I'm lost. Halp. Where are the chat groups?
  2. AbigailZeke

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

  3. AbigailZeke

    God will give you the desires of your heart...

    This is a poll. I just thought it'd be interesting to hear what people thought about this verse. (Psalm 37:4) I understand this verse in two different ways: A. He will give you what you ALREADY desire in your heart (whatever it is you think you desire right now) B. He will give you THE desires...
  4. AbigailZeke

    The Goodness of God Leads to Repentance

    Repentance literally means a change of mind. What does this verse (Romans 2:4) tell us? The goodness of God leads to a change of mind. What's there to change? An old thinking, perhaps, that God delights in being angry. That God patiently waits for you to slip up so He can nag at you. That God...
  5. AbigailZeke

    How the lamb takes away sin (old way) This is a video depiction of how God dealt with sin, the old way. When one Jew sins, he brings a lamb to the high priest. I'll let the video fill in the rest of the details.
  6. AbigailZeke

    Blood test

    What do you feel about it?
  7. AbigailZeke

    Paul, Apostle of Christ: MOVIE

    Oh my goodness.
  8. AbigailZeke

    Seek first the Kingdom of God

    But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) "There are people who claim that to seek God's kingdom is to go out into the mission fields and serve the Lord full-time. We know how important missions are and we believe we are...
  9. AbigailZeke

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    I have new books!!! Just timely.
  10. AbigailZeke

    What is the NEW covenant

    So, for the longest time, since I got baptised at 15 until 2 years ago, I believed that the new covenant meant new commandments: Mark 12:30-21 "...and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is...
  11. AbigailZeke

    What is a conscience seared with a hot iron?

    1 Timothy 4:1-4 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from...
  12. AbigailZeke

    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    Not the kind of things you say in job interviews :rolleyes: but what you know, so far, about yourself and are willing to share. :) Could be anything, big or small, life impacting or something random (but still a fact) that no one really knows about. Don't be shy! Strengths I'm a positive...
  13. AbigailZeke

    To My Accountability Partners / My Second Family

    Thank you to all who kept me in their prayers and encouraged me through their words. You have no idea how much you've touched my heart and soul. I'm usually a strong person but hey we all got an Achilles' heel... somewhere. I am holding my CC family accountable to holding me accountable to...
  14. AbigailZeke

    Taking a break

    Hi friends. I have decided to take a break from CC because of the procrastination I've been doing while I'm on here. Some of you may have already known by now that I'm studying and working. And I have more modules than I can handle. That's my fault lol. Anyway, as much as I'd like to just sit...
  15. AbigailZeke

    we love to eat <3

    I had Bibimbap! (photo below is from the shop's online menu) It's very yum.
  16. AbigailZeke

    Cats or dogs?

    I remember I took of pic of this fat kitty while at the market last week. (He's not really orange, though Blue lol) It was funny, people were walking by, talking (and we were loud) and I was taking pictures and he's just there, too feline to even bat an eyelash lol.
  17. AbigailZeke


    Hi friends, I'm asking for your help. Please pray for me as I'm really overwhelmed on the inside right now. I started studying in uni two months ago, while I work full time. It shouldn't be that bad except I took more modules than I can handle, and that's because I'm trying to finish within two...
  18. AbigailZeke

    When you leave a rep comment, do you include your name? Why or why not?

    Title says it all. :)
  19. AbigailZeke

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Itadakimasu! Ramen for lunch yay!