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  1. Brasspen

    Severe attacks last 2 weeks.

    I have been getting hit really hard for the last 2 weeks.
  2. Brasspen

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    The prophecy I got was, the worlds last chance is coming. I believe it means a revival.
  3. Brasspen

    Prayer request, used as scape goat.

    When I was a child I was abused along with many other boys. From the abuse I also repeated some of the acts of abuse when I was a boy. When everthing was discovered the boys and many other people used me as a scape goat. They used me to get gifts of pitty. They turned me into the image of a...
  4. Brasspen

    Need deliverance from demon.

    I need to cast out a demon from me. And probably many others with it. It's a demon of shame and guilt. I have had the problem from my childhood. I have had deliverance from demons before, and also done the deliverance with God without help. I was hoping I can get the word of God here about it...
  5. Brasspen

    A request for me, i am dysfunctional.

    I have a problem caused by my medicine. It causes really high prolactin levels. That plus my BMI is waay to high. I have things that could solve the prolactin but struggle to make it happen. One, is reducing the BMI to normal. I am borderline with my problem, and reducing the fat might fix my...
  6. Brasspen

    KarXT, a new drug for schizophrenia.

    This drug and the way it works is going to change everything for scizophrenia people. They will not longer have to worry about sugar levels, brain shrinkage, invulentary muscle movements...
  7. Brasspen

    Dealing with shame and guilt?

    I have this problem, with shame and guilt. I had talked to a Pastor About it before, and he has told me that my sins are forgiven.
  8. Brasspen

    Chrisitan heavy metal music?

    I wanted to listen to heavy metal type music. I wanted to get metallica, but just read something on christian chat forums that changed my mind about it. I read on google that most if not all christian heavy metal bands are really satanist. Is there any true christian heavy metal bands?
  9. Brasspen

    Teachings on gifts from God.

    The teachings that I find on the gifts of God, do not ever tell me anything about them. They say nothing about how it manifests, or how to manifest it. They only talk about how good the gift is.
  10. Brasspen

    Jesus tempted in the wilderness.

    Or was that a desert? Was it a mountain, I need look it up. But anyway, I do not believe Jesus was lusting after anything, not ever. I do not believe he was tempted because of he's lusts. But we know in one of the letters in the new testiment, that it says we are tempted by our own lusts. So...
  11. Brasspen

    A second moon is arriving to earth.

    I just seen on excite news that a second moon will be joining earth, temporarly. "Earth's gravity will snag a new companion for September through November of this year as a newly discovered asteroid strays close enough to our planet"
  12. Brasspen

    The devil temps people with what is already theirs.

    Jesus was tempted for in the wilderness by the temptor. All of the temptations the devil tried to give Jesus, was for things that where already he's. And it was the same with Adam and Eve. When the devil tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit, it was for something that was already hers. The devil...
  13. Brasspen

    Democrats are after abortion.

    Democrats are after abortion, and that is who they have chosen for the election.
  14. Brasspen

    The word of God is not a secret code that needs unlocked.

    I do not belive the word of God is a secret code that has to be figured out, unlocked or decoded. God is not a god of mystery, he is not a god of confusion. He does not hide from us, but shows himself openly. He is like the morning star. He's word is ment to be easy to understand. I know Jesus...
  15. Brasspen

    My first post on christian chat.

    Hi I hope to gain wisdom, knowledge, and maybe teach something. Maybe someone can help me gain the gift of prophecy. I really want that gift. I have tongues, wisdom, knowledge. The gift of miracles has manifested before.