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  1. GRACE_ambassador

    What's Love Got To Do With It?

    Recently, I have noticed: "deep state would love it." + "Love and value women" + "love of the truth" + "love how pretty fall is" + "love to see grandparents enjoying" + @Magenta?: "loved picking the pieces of baked apple out of the pie" Yummee! :giggle: So, without further ado, let us further...
  2. GRACE_ambassador

    Is The Body Of Christ The Lamb's Wife?

    Precious friends, I have yet to find the so-called "bride of Christ" anywhere in God's Word Of Truth. What I have found is the following, to the apostle John, in the prophecy of Revelation 21:9: "And there came unto me one of the seven angels...saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride...
  3. GRACE_ambassador

    Is Physical Healing Provided In The Atonement?

    "Every true Christian believes that spiritual healing, salvation of the soul from sin, is to be found only in the death of Christ, but there is disagreement as to whether His death is supposed to provide physical health also for the believer. Some teach that Christ bore our sicknesses upon the...
  4. GRACE_ambassador

    Thirteen Bible Baptisms...

    Precious friend(s), Praying this will { Finally, for some } Scripturally alleviate Most or All of the Confusion of Various water traditions and rituals. And, If God even requires it today! Amen? Note: All Scripture references Are KJB! First, an Outline: (A) The Twelve (12) baptisms Of God’s...
  5. GRACE_ambassador

    He's Alive!

    I cannot keep this to myself. Amen!: " “He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where The LORD lay. And go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead…” (Matt. 28:6-7). “The pyramids of Egypt are famous because they contained the mummified bodies...
  6. GRACE_ambassador

    Does Romans 6:3-4 teach water baptism?

    "It would be incorrect to ascribe the baptism of Romans 6:3-4 to the water baptism of John the Baptist, Jesus, or Peter at Pentecost. You will search in vain to find any mention of water even in the entire book of Romans! Furthermore, the verse clearly says that we are baptized into Christ, not...
  7. GRACE_ambassador

    Risen In Christ...

    ... "For The LORD Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:" (1 Thessalonians 4:16) 'link': Risen In Christ
  8. GRACE_ambassador

    The Brazen Serpent...

    ...same as, Today, we can "look To The Cross and live": Precious friends, please be Very Richly Encouraged and Edified in: The Full study: The Brazen Serpent
  9. GRACE_ambassador

    Salvation by 'asking Jesus into your heart'?

    So, we know it's a simple phrase children can easily do, but, Scripturally, are we telling them The Truth? Jesus Did Say "let the little children come to Me," so just wondering, IF: A) Jer 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Should we "ask...
  10. GRACE_ambassador

    Handling The Word Of Life (I)

    Part IV-a - man's responsibility toward The Word Of God, According To The Revelation Of The Mystery, From Christ's Instructions From Heaven! Under GRACE in God's Other [ Mystery ] Program Which Is For Today – Revealed to St. Paul, By The Risen And Glorified LORD Jesus Christ, Seated In The...
  11. GRACE_ambassador

    Adam and CHRIST...

    ...What mankind lost in Adam’s fall Has Been Recovered In Christ. If you, therefore, reject Christ as your personal Savior, you are indeed lost. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved (Acts 16:31). (Author unknown, borrowed from BBS 'Departments' section)...
  12. GRACE_ambassador

    "A Christian Never Surrenders...

    "...Complete this sentence: “A police officer never surrenders his...?” I always thought that the answer was his weapon, but I got a different answer from our good friend Doug Cox. A policeman with over thirty years of experience, Doug says that a policeman never surrenders his radio, for it...
  13. GRACE_ambassador

    'Confusion' of What Death Is...

    ...solved for Comfort, by "What Saith ALL The Scriptures?" on This Important Doctrine: man/woman/child = a tripartite being?: "And the very God of Peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your Whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1...
  14. GRACE_ambassador

    "Who Blinded The Jews?...

    ...“Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded” (Rom. 11:7). To purposely blind someone physically is a serious offense, for it leads to a difficult life for the one who has been blinded. To purposely blind someone...
  15. GRACE_ambassador

    UNthankfulness of 9 out of 10?

    Can this really be true in our churches today, all separated and divided up, biting and devouring one another about "things of The Bible"?: The top two things that came to my mind, when I studied this: 1) How can I be thankful to God For His ETERNAL Salvation, IF I truly believe It "is only...
  16. GRACE_ambassador

    God's 'Contexts' Rightly Divided

    From another thread, to prevent burial: Precious friend, we certainly don't want to oppose ourselves - hope this helps - The Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided: The First Step of understanding 'Right Division' would be to see our Scriptures in God's Contexts * (some say "context is King"? ) - ie...
  17. GRACE_ambassador

    "Living The GRACE Of God"

    "Living The High Life The world about us talks a lot about “living the high life.” Their suggestions about how to live the high life, however, usually involve drinking alcohol, living an immoral lifestyle, and obtaining as many expensive worldly possessions as possible. As Christians, we...
  18. GRACE_ambassador


    ...The Scriptures answer every question that inquiring minds want to know! What is heaven? Where is it located? Who resides there? Will there be recognition in heaven?... ...A Wonderful Place...The Spirit is Very Specific = Up...God Almighty... ...yes = names in The Book Of Life...
  19. GRACE_ambassador

    "Looking For The Loophole...

    ...To many people, it just doesn’t seem right that God would punish someone in hell for all eternity, and so they look for loopholes in the Bible’s clear teach- ing about eternal damnation (Rev. 14:11, etc.). They mean well, but they remind us of what the Lord said about the rich man in hell...
  20. GRACE_ambassador

    "Which Works To Walk In...

    ...Every true believer knows we are saved by grace through faith, apart from good works (Rom. 4:5; Titus 3:5). This does not mean, however, that good works have no place in the dispensation of grace, for right after affirming that we are saved without works (Eph. 2:8,9), Paul quickly asserts...