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    T. H. I. N. K.

    being a Christian in this world is sometimes akin to a person crying out that the bridge ahead is out. Not everything we say is encouraging but necessary
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    Freeze Your Eggs!

    I don't think I'll ever freeze eggs but I do like them but I know The prices at the store are going up, so I've found ways to save on groceries. One thing is substitution of ingredients to make meals more budget-friendly. I swap meat for beans, and replace oil with homemade soy yogurt. for...
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    The hatred of Jews

    The problem is they all come from Israel. These are the children of Abraham first son Ishmael, and Jacobs brother Esau and lots children God has his purposes for these nations that war against the israelites "4These nations were left to test the Israelites, to find out whether they would...
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    I dont know anymore [TRIGGER WARNING]

    CreatedUniquelyinhisimage, I'm sorry you going through this. Our self worth comes from how are family treated us when we grew up. Its normal that you have depression especially if your still around your family. It might be a good idea to distance yourself from your family. As for encouragment...
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    America Will Own Gaza?

    4These nations were left to test the Israelites, to find out whether they would keep the commandments of the LORD, which He had given their fathers through Moses. 5Thus the Israelites continued to live among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. Judges 3:4-5
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    Should Christians Watch Television, especially Hollywood movies?

    Yes, but mainly on the sabbath, Christian films/saints movies. But will occasionally watch good morning dear miss dove, 1001 Nights, taming the shrew, Princess and the Goblin, secret garden and some others that I can't recall right now.
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    What are you thinking about right now?

    Noel25, Oat milk tastes pretty good; you might like it. Soy yogurt tastes like nonfat Greek yogurt. Mix it with jam; it's pretty good for a snack. Let's see another is 1 can of coconut milk, 2 cups of fruit, a splash of maple syrup, and a squirt of lemon juice. Fill the rest up with ice,then...
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    It's the Weekend! Let's GO NUTS!!!

    I've never considered growing a nut tree, but I'll try it this year. Thanks
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    It's the Weekend! Let's GO NUTS!!!

    We had at least 100 heads of sunflowers this year, so yeah, there are a lot of sunflower seeds... Next year, we will be growing peanuts or Russian giant sunflowers! But growing up, my favourite was caramelized peanuts. .
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    Should Christians Watch Television, especially Hollywood movies?

    I used to think it was harmless too. Watching shows like Tom and Jerry they seem innocent. But the TV shows today are far removed from the ones we grew up with. It desensitizes us to violence. And what is the point of those disgusting ads they flash? I never liked sponge bob but that what it...
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    Conspiracies are a conspiracy.

    The main problem I have with conspiracy theories is they make us sound crazy. How can we reason with someone if they think we are crazy? Then there's the problem can we do anything about it? And if we could is it Gods will?
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    Naaman’s Leprosy Healed 5 Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the Lord had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper. 2 And the Syrians had gone out on[a] raids, and had...
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    Should Christians Watch Television, especially Hollywood movies?

    eChristian2, What people don't understand is that the devil loves fighting. I will give you an example. Tonight, at the store, I was talking to the clerk about rescued animals. Later, her eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the violence they had suffered. I wondered what was wrong...
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    interfaith marriage

    I've heard of woman in Kuwait that were hired help from other countries and can't leave because their passports need to be signed and in some Muslim countries woman need signatures from their dad or husband to get on a plane.
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    interfaith marriage

    My mom grew up Catholic but switch to Pentecostal regardless of denomination what is important is if the pastor has the holy Spirit and is preaching the right doctrine. Mabey the church will have counseling. Perhaps he would be open to a counseling? Hopefully his heart will be softened. But in...
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    interfaith marriage

    Does he let you work? Allot of self esteem can come from a job well done. This will combat the some negativity at home. Are you attending church? You should have the shelters numbers and enough money to rent an apartment on hand.
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    interfaith marriage

    Yes Lebanon is one of the better country for Christian at least before the 2023 liquidity crisis. Now with Hezbollah there is.
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    interfaith marriage

    Which country is he from?
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    interfaith marriage

    No that really happened. I meet her once when we were visiting her church. It happens more then you think but western country don't keep data saying it's a stereotype but Malaysia does...