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  1. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges if thou continue] On the verb and construction here, see on Romans 6:1. The idea of the word is adherence, either rightly resolute or wrongly obstinate as the case may be.—Observe that expressions like the present, implying contingency in man’s...
  2. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Expositor's Greek Testament Romans 11:22 ἐὰν ἐπιμένῃς τῇ χρηστότητι: if you remain on in the goodness, i.e., continue to be indebted to it, and to it alone, for your religious position. This excludes presumption, and in general all such temper as is be trayed in taking an attitude of...
  3. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Meyer's NT Commentary Romans 11:22 ἘΠΕῚ ΚΑῚ ΣῪ ἘΚΚΟΠΉΣῌ] for otherwise thou also (like those broken-off branches) shalt be cut off. The threatening tenor of the discourse suggests unsought the stronger word ἐκκοπ., which is also in Romans 11:24 retained of the wild olive tree. We may notice...
  4. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Romans 11:22 Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. Barnes: Otherwise thou also shalt be cut off - Compare John 15:2. The word "thou" refers...
  5. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Col 1:21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, 23if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the...
  6. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    1 Timothy 2:15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. We must continue in the faith to be saved. No one & done will do.
  7. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    I thought about the one two doors down, but I wuz skeered somebody thought I would be using bad language.:censored:
  8. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    Of course I do. I've been around the Bible block a few times.:)
  9. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    You cantankerous little...... :devilish:
  10. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    I am totally in agreement with what baptizo means, but I cannot see where that scripture suggests that. I can come immediately out of the water if my wife says "Lets eat!" It still wouldn't point to me being fully immersed. That's all I'm gonna say about it.:)
  11. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    When Jesus did it, He stepped "up" into the boat, duhh.
  12. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    Ummm.... don't you mean "up" out of the water? It's always uphill.:D
  13. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Maxwell, I believe in the security of the believer also, but not as some do. I believe as long as i want to stay with the Lord, no devil in Hell can do anything about it. However, there is so much teaching on the believer being deceived, esp. by Paul, it confirms what Jesus said about the devil...
  14. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    I can come straightway out of the water if I'm only ankle-deep in it.
  15. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    This is a simple sentence with a simple meaning. Straightway means immediately. It just means He immediately got out of the water. Yes Jesus was fully immersed, but getting out immediately has nothing to do with it. Sorry.
  16. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Pray, Then look over it for the deception. If you don't believe me, that's fine, just remember there's nothing to lose if you seek it out. Remember to look at it from a view where the antagonists may not know what they're doing. Too many times we're guilty of saying "know Christ", but know...
  17. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Well, when there's no obvious answer, prayer always helps. It is beneficial that your prayer NOT be slanted one way or the other, because we want real answers, & the real answer might surprise you. Secondly, I never trust another's interpretation when their explanation is paragraphs long with...
  18. E

    Baptized With The Holy Spirit

    A church I left recently sold their church & bought a commercial building. The "pastor" made the statement that he didn't want to 'continue' someone else's work, so he renamed the church & called it a "new work". Just last week he had a baptism service where he was the first one baptized...
  19. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Oh, I know you're not against him in any way, because that's not how you roll.:) However, when rereading the whole thread, it mostly(with a few innocent people posting their opinions) looks like a written script that's been used dozens of times with different members over the years to do the...
  20. E

    10 Questions about OSAS

    Well, we have a protagonist who has a topic that while somewhat true, all the motives seem to be wrong. Then we have several antagonists who while looking good, correct, & proper, & even popular, are theologically wrong. It seems the theme is to take a not-so-good guy with a good doctrine...