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  1. E

    Profiteers of the Gospel

    There's a difference between getting by & getting paid. An honest minister doesn't want more than he needs. His focus is helping others, while the greedy are focused on helping themselves. Pride, arrogance, & narcissism are the fruit of the greedy. You will know them by their fruit.
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    For example, once a minister goes on the road they will start writing books. When their book is written, they will buy a bunch through a dummy corporation, making them look like a best-selling author. Once they reach best selling author status, people pay attention & start buying the book...
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    An excellent example are those who look so busy doing the LORD's work they schedule several conferences, write several books. & go on religious shows. It's not just the big televangelists, it's some of those who have a very good name in the church. Matt23: 1Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to...
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    Slain in the spirit?

    That proved nothing. EVIDENCE please!
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    I actually saw it before, but I see it much more deeply now. The LORD revealed it to me a few days ago. It's a terrible thing that they do, but I realize now there's many more than I realized.
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    Slain in the spirit?

    Scriptural evidence, please?
  7. E

    Slain in the spirit?

    No. Just because Jesus spoke directly to Saul to convert him, does that mean He must speak to everyone? Imagine if you would the disciples going to the upper room to receive power from on high. How would these new believers know when they got it? The tongues of fire on these new believers would...
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    2Cor 2:17 Nas: 17For we are not like the many, [e]peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God. [e] 17 Or diluting NLT: You see, we are not like the many hucksters who preach for personal profit. We preach the word of God with...
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    How many evangelists today won't go to a church unless a minimum amount of money can be guaranteed to them with all expenses paid? Do they realize that limiting themselves to "able to pay" churches causes them to skip over the poor entirely & cater to the well off? Is it not the poor who need...
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    While we can think of some who do this in televangelism, I assure you the numbers are astronomical as to how many do this without considering the judgment that will come upon them.
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    Profiteers of the Gospel

    Woe unto the shepherds that sell my Word! When I gather my jewels, they will not be there. The LORD has an ought against those who profit from the Gospel! They take the free word He has given them & sells it! God has told us in Matt. 10:7And as you go, [g]preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven...
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    Scripture in itself

    What I find in this Op is some of those talking about the importance of context of scripture don't see it enough to use it, otherwise there would be a lot less arguing.
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    what I learned about oneness pentecostalism

    I skipped from p4 to p8, didn't miss a thing. Are you guys done arguing yet, or are you gonna go another 8 pages? This helps nobody. The only thing I've learned is CC goes thru these fighting cycles every few months. Who wants to be bothered with you after all this? I don't.
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    Luke 13: 10-17 is the perfect example to answer this question. Here a righteous daughter of Abraham was bound/oppressed by a demon. Satan can't possess a christian, but he can OPPRESS them. When a demon lives or dwells within a person, that is what is called demonic possession. It is an evil...
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    Mining Secular Music for Biblical Nuggets

    Sorry, I cannot agree with you. WHY would I search for spiritual things in a cesspool or a garbage can of filth? Rock music was created by the Devil. Anything he inspires would be absolute rebellion against God. Let's not fool ourselves... it is what it is. To me it's like looking in Hell's...
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    I’m seriously struggling with doubts

    According to James 4, we don't get what we ask for because we have the wrong motives. We want it our way, not God's way. Ask God to show you how to pray for the things HE wants you to have. As for your friend, it takes time for God to lead someone in. Plus, God has His own plan & timing how He...
  17. E

    Christ and the Bible are the most powerful force for good in human history.

    Yes, but the answer is incomplete. It was the Father's plan that Christ would be crucified before the foundation of the world, also to have all power & authority when Jesus is finished with His plan for man. So add the Father to the list. It was the Holy Spirit that hovered over the face of the...
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    Slain in the spirit?

    One of the things I always had to explain is why we believe a certain way & not always live it/practice it. I get it, I really do. In my life I've received this baptism that was always talked about. I didn't receive it the way everyone else did, though. I didn't know it, but one service as I...
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    God Never Forgave Saul

    Saul was rejected by God & another spirit was in him. I'd say NO.
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    Slain in the spirit?

    When most christians today research a thing, it's limited because they're only looking for agreeable articles. You can't do REAL research for a couple of days or even weeks. One has to read nearly hundreds of articles, searching first for those that are written word for word, & discard them...