Search results

  1. Josefine


    I will definitely check it out! Thanks :)
  2. Josefine


    Yes, I agree! I have already started a playlist, but I would love recommendations if you (or anyone else) have any :)
  3. Josefine

    Hey everyone! I'm Anna (it's just a nickname tho) I'm looking for other christians my age or somewhere near my age (17). Tyyy 🫶🫶🫶

    Hi <3 My name is Josefine but I go by Jo I am a bit younger than you (14) but if that still works for you, I would love to chat :giggle:
  4. Josefine


    That really means a lot, thank you so much! Have a blessed day :giggle:
  5. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    I will, and thank you!
  6. Josefine

    Hello! My name is Josefine but you can call me Jo. I'm a new member of this site, but I'm also...

    Hello! My name is Josefine but you can call me Jo. I'm a new member of this site, but I'm also a new Christian :) I'm here in the hopes of making friends, growing my fellowship, and expanding my knowledge and love for God. If anyone has any advice for me as a new follower of Christ who is...
  7. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    Oh, then I'll definitely check it out. It does seem like it would be fun
  8. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    That's still so cool! I did not do so well when we did finger knitting in class last year so creating entire squares is very impressive to me
  9. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    Besides the bible lol I would say either the Six of Crows duology or the Mysterious Benedict Society series What have you knitted? I've always wanted to learn but never got the chance
  10. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    I definitely love sleeping as well :LOL: I have a lot of extracirriculars so that takes up most of my time lol. But I do really love reading.
  11. Josefine


    Thanks ❤ God bless!
  12. Josefine


    :) Thank you so much! Glad to be here
  13. Josefine


    :giggle: This is very kind and helpful. Thank you so much, and God bless you!
  14. Josefine


    Thank you!!
  15. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    Thank you, you as well! What are some of your hobbies?
  16. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    I'm doing well! How about you?
  17. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    Hi, Elizabeth! My name is Josefine (Jo for short), I'm 14. I have also been looking for Christian friends, especially as I am a new follower of Christ! It's lovely to meet you ❤
  18. Josefine


    Wow, thank you so much, that really means a lot! I'm excited too :giggle: God bless you!
  19. Josefine


    Great, thank you!! God bless <3
  20. Josefine


    Thank you so much! :)