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  1. J

    Are you held accountable for supporting a corrupt pastor?

    You make a very good point that the remnant is spread out over many generations. For one thing, only God knows how many people will be saved. If all those people were gathered in a certain place, could we get an accurate count? I don't think so.
  2. J

    Are you held accountable for supporting a corrupt pastor?

    Jesus said, "Many are called but few chosen." Also the many and few are compared in his teaching of the broad way and the narrow way. Remnant would be an accurate description.
  3. J


    Thanks. Looking forward to it
  4. J

    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Thanks Devin. There is probably a spiritual reason for it. I am sure it is all in God's hands. Your prayers are appreciated.
  5. J

    First Thread: ☕🙂👍📖 Should the Bible Be the Text Book?

    Pastoring can involve teaching. Remember Paul wrote about honoring elders (Pastors), with double honor to those who teach. I'll look up the scripture number if you want and get back.
  6. J

    Are you held accountable for supporting a corrupt pastor?

    Hi John. My wife and I don't vote either. The main problem I have with democrats is that they promote homosexuals. That is terrible. Of course with Mr. Trump, you wind up with constant controversy in the government. He has been the most investigated President in history. Even so, based on...
  7. J

    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    We have a 75 yr old friend who has had COVID twice. The last time she took ivermectin and fully recovered within a few days. We have taken the novavax shot and so far have not even had a cold. Thank God!
  8. J

    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    We started raising chickens when there were no eggs in the grocery store. That was during the pandemic. It is as cheap or cheaper to buy organic eggs at the grocer. It is now a habit and the chickens are pets. My wife is the health food expert at our house. She is very healthy for her age...
  9. J

    Has the law been put aside? If so, when?

    There are a lot of people who seek to be justified by works and not through faith in Christ Jesus. There are also lots of people who say they are saved through faith, but are lacking in good works. According to the scriptures, their faith is dead. So, we enter into the new covenant through...
  10. J

    Are you held accountable for supporting a corrupt pastor?

    In the 1st century Church, each Church in each town had multiple Pastors. Though their gifts varied, they were equal in rank. Those Churches received the true doctrines of Christ through the Apostles and Prophets. Today there is the falling away. That is why I don't trust modern day Pastors...
  11. J

    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    I should eat more vegetables. We do raise our own chickens for eggs and they are free range. Thanks for the good advice!
  12. J

    First Thread: ☕🙂👍📖 Should the Bible Be the Text Book?

    There are 3 Greek words in the NT which mean pastor. 1. Poimen - S4166 2. Presbyteros - S4245 3. Episkopos - S1985 From those three words we get the English Presbyter, Elder, Pastor, Overseer, and Bishop. A careful study will reveal that these words referred to the same office in the first...
  13. J

    The State of the World Today! Is it the Endtimes??????

    We are in the end times. We don't know when the end will come so we must always be ready.
  14. J

    Continued Revival at Asbury College

    The pandemic did bring many to their knees. It let people know that life can be very short. I think that revelation is still with many today and will help bring about good fruit.
  15. J

    The Oneness Of God In Christ

    The one God of Israel is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The one name of the one God is Jesus. Jesus is the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  16. J

    Got cancer, need prayer for healing

    Your prayers are working! Today I had no pain. That is a sign of healing. It could be another 6 weeks or so before I have another CT scan. That will reveal the condition. Will keep you updated...
  17. J

    Kindle and Grammarly a Great Resource

    I used Amazon Kindle recently to receive a cheap book on early Church writings. I was researching Philippians 2:6 and wanted to find examples of early quotations of that text. I was able to find that Novatian quoted that scripture sometime around 250AD.
  18. J

    First Thread: ☕🙂👍📖 Should the Bible Be the Text Book?

    I checked out the tea and would like to get some. Thanks!
  19. J

    Something has to give

    Cast all your cares upon the Lord because he cares for you. Jesus will help you through this. Don't worry. I have been where you are. Jesus rescued me and he will rescue you. Thanks for sharing your trials with us.
  20. J

    Prayer warriors, I need you !

    Praying for your whole healing body, soul, spirit, and mind. Be healed in Jesus name!