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  1. Camess

    The Bible Verse By Verse Continued...

    Proverbs 24: 27 Get your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.
  2. Camess

    Speak Your Mind.

    Priceless! Thats the way to do it!! 😁
  3. Camess

    Bible study - anyone?

    I would love to be a part of this! 😃
  4. Camess

    Bible study - anyone?

    I disagree. Bible study should NOT have one "leader" who teaches his/her theology! It is simple reading passages of scripture AS THEY'RE WRITTEN IN CONTEXT then asking each others input and/or questions. The Bible is mostly self explanitory if you STUDY it. If u want a teaching, listen to a sermon.
  5. Camess

    Random game.

  6. Camess

    Random game.

  7. Camess

    Random game.

    Bull riding
  8. Camess

    Sabbath Obligation?

    As i said....LEGALISTIC.
  9. Camess

    Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens....

    My dog Target shooting Gel pens My sister (the best one in the whole entire world!) The book of Psalms..............
  10. Camess

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Just gonna add a simple idea. Jesus said he fulfilled the law. If you follow Jesus' 2 commands all the ten laws are automatically falling under them. Love God, love others. Thats what the ten commandments were about. The sabbath rest was a forrunner to how our redeemed lives should be-- every...
  11. Camess

    Have You Received the Holy Ghost Since You Believed?

    Id like to add, i know this will offend many so remember this is what i believe. Im entitled to that. Its simply food for thought.
  12. Camess

    Have You Received the Holy Ghost Since You Believed?

    I personally dont believe in the traditional "speaking in tongues". Originally tongues meant languages. So i dont believe its a "special" language at all--rather, its the ability to speak any language or be understood in all languages when God has need of it. Thats what happened to the apostles...
  13. Camess

    Singer songwriter

    Not a style i typically listen to, but thought it was pretty good. Like the lyrics.
  14. Camess

    In Christ Alone Celtic Version

    This is my FAVORITE song! Love to sing it!
  15. Camess

    Who else plays guitar?

    Hi! I play guitar. Mostly rythm but am trying to learn riffs. I sing so dont usually need melody.
  16. Camess

    Any songwriters like me on this forum?

    Hi! I play guitar. I started piano awhile back but im just not cut out for it lol! I have written some songs, but only when God gives them to me. I tried it on my own...disaster! 😄
  17. Camess

    Misheard and misunderstood song lyrics

    Idk the name of the song but i think its by the crowder band. I thougt they said "like a chainsaw" Then listened close and heard him saying "let the chains fall"
  18. Camess


    Hello, im courtney. Im a 21 yr old okie from the good ol USA! Just joined cc today, and think its great! A few words about me: Guitar Contra dance Poetry 22. Revolver Painting
  19. Camess

    Last person to post wins!!!

  20. Camess

    What are some of your biggest turnoffs?

    Drinking alcohol of any kind (stupidity) Smoking Cussing/dirty talk/foul"jokes" Chewing tobacco (disgusting!) Speeding (dangerous) Short temper Tatoos/piercings/unnatural hair color Controlling personality