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  1. T

    Is Repentance necessary for salvation?

    Everyone with exception has been granted repentance.
  2. T

    Is Repentance necessary for salvation?

    Yes he has granted it to everyone. Jews and gentiles.
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    Repentance is the Gift Of God !

    I believe we hear the Gospel and evaluate the claims and trustworthiness and we trust from the heart . God recognises this and then Gives us the holy Spirit . I claim no more than Cornelius or those bereans in Acts 17 . Did they go around saying " oh yes didn't we do well when we searched the...
  4. T

    Is Repentance necessary for salvation?

    Zacchaeus was not regenerated. He didn't receive the Holy Spirit . And I wouldn't tell a lost person they need to totally turn away from sins before they can be saved ..I believe they can be saved immediately upon belief .
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    Repentance is the Gift Of God !

    // that faith which saves is not of ourselves but is imparted to us as a gift.// This sounds like Calvinism, but not scripture.
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    Repentance is the Gift Of God !

    In context he does those things ..For the reasons he does . But not before they are born in a eternal decree of reprobation. The bible never says that. By our trusting from the Heart he saves . Thats the perquisite ..He doesn't need to play both sides of the chess board to fulfil his purposes .
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    God's sovereignty over life and death

    I think when a serial killer is hacking a way at numerous victims and then takes his own life ,this is all his own doing . He is taking other people's lives and he takes his own life .
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    So, are you of the Five Wise or Five Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13?

    Yes , but if the four foot wall is not round ,how can the birds have wings on Wednesday?
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    So, are you of the Five Wise or Five Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13?

    No where says that those in the church age are 'virgins '
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    So, are you of the Five Wise or Five Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13?

    No where says that those in the church age are 'virgins '
  11. T

    HEBREWS 1.14

    Today once a person believes the Gospel and is sealed unto the day of redemption, he has salvation . He is not in danger of ' slipping away ' or Neglecting so great a salvation.
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    What should churches be doing within their communities?

    The ' Churches ' Today are nearly irrelevant in the main .
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    So, are you of the Five Wise or Five Foolish Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13?

    Another verse taken Po Maybe because no where says we are .
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    HEBREWS 1.14

    1¶Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. 2For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; 3How shall we escape, if we neglect so...
  15. T

    What are the ordinances and traditions?

    1 cor 11 ( 16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.) “Ordinances” refers to “ceremonies” in modern language. The only CEREMONY in the chapter is the Lord’s Supper. The only two ceremonies mentioned in Scriptures are the Lord’s Supper and...
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    HEBREWS 1.14

    “Therefore WE ought to give the more earnest heed...which WE have heard...lest...WE should let them slip,” etc. Someone is in danger of letting something slip away from them, and it will cause them to “neglect salvation” neglect so great salvation to HEBREWS.
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    HEBREWS 1.14

    Seems to be troubling lots of folks. It goes on to say 3How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; Does this sound like Security of the believer in the church age ? Aside from angels...
  18. T

    What are the ordinances and traditions?

    Something Jesus didn't say ,but pauls saying it now inspired ,still authoritative ?