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  1. T

    The main issues .

    All those different languages are Jews and proselytes. Aka ' Jewish ' Jews Israel . All who were there would have been law keeping, sabbath observing, pork abstaining folks.. Where does it say the Eunuch was a gentile..Could be a hebrew cushite.
  2. T

    The main issues .

    Your begging the question . Which account/ narrative / instruction / command/ verses / verses do you believe are ' doctrine ' for today ?
  3. T

    The main issues .

    And if Gentiles were in the picture in Acts 2 ,why are the disciples shocked by a gentile receiving the Holy Spirit, prompting: Acts11 . 14Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved. 15And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning...
  4. T

    The main issues .

    5And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews , devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Jews out of every nation . How are you missing this ? Jews OUT OF every nation . JEWS .
  5. T

    The main issues .

    So he was just you average gentile on the way to Jerusalem reading Isaiah as all gentiles were doing, for fun ?
  6. T

    Who is right—Paul, David, or are they both right?

    2 cor 3.13 the demands of the Law and of the Old Testament on the New Testament Christian are “abolished.” You do not have to keep the Ten Commandments to be saved.
  7. T

    The main issues .

    You said /// I already showed you why not Acts 2:38. So let's go back to Mark 16:16: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Here we get the superficial impression that baptism is necessary for salvation.// " superficial impression " Why not...
  8. T

    The main issues .

    Which doctrines are you referring to ,that you feel are true doctrines that should be accepted, from the book of Acts ?
  9. T

    The main issues .

    Baptism as necessary for salvation. Either regeneration or a ' first act of obedience ' . Initial evidence, Second blessing, laying on of hands, and a whole host of issues that certain denominations declare .
  10. T

    The main issues .

    Which verse says this please?
  11. T

    The main issues .

    The eunuch (Matt. 19:12) is an Ethiopian (Hebrew: Cushite), and he had “great authority” (vs. 27) in the imperial palace of the Queen of Ethiopia. Undoubtedly he had brought some of the “treasure” (vs. 27) with him for an offering to the Lord (see John 12:3), exactly as the Queen of Sheba had...
  12. T

    The main issues .

    So if you see those differences ,why not Acts 2.38 ?
  13. T

    The main issues .

    This is the problem. Acts 2.38 doesn't say that . Folks change what it says to try make it fit what Paul says .
  14. T

    The main issues .

  15. T

    The main issues .

    I'm not suggesting the Holy spirit was not working then ..And your reading Paul's teaching back into Acts ,instead of allowing Acts 2 38 to be a specific instance at that time for Israel . What s wrong with Peter telling Israel to be baptised in order to recieve the Holy Spirit, as it actually...
  16. T

    The main issues .

    ok which doctrine are you referring to from Acts ?
  17. T

    The main issues .

    please show where it says the Ethiopian was not a jew / proselyte please ?
  18. T

    The main issues .

    /// Acts picks up where the end of Luke leaves off: on the mount of Olives, near Bethany, where Jesus ascended from. Some of the people from the places listed below are from gentile locations./// What does ' locations ' have anything to do with it ,other than to show this is where the Jews were...
  19. T

    The main issues .

    Did i add ' useless ' anywhere? USED for doctrines yes . Then I state some of those.
  20. T

    The main issues .

    Why then are Peter and disciples surprised by the conversion of Gentiles in Acts 10,11 then ? Peter saying its not lawful to go to gentiles . Why does God need to give Peter the vision three times from heaven before Peter can understand now God is granting the Gentiles can be reached now and...