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  1. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    I have more or less used all I have to explain my position of how I see that they are sons of God as well and share in that kinship. Just wanted to present a honest case to how I came to that conclusion in explanation throughout this thread. So the floor is all yours to critique my analysis...
  2. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    I have to admit that I am weak of grammar like that and punctuation and spelling also rival that weakness for me.....LOL So I would be open to what you say on that matter since that is not a strong suit of mine bro.
  3. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    I don't believe that is the emphasis, what is being claimed is that we have a shared kinship of kingdom, of ministry, of work and testimony such when this is said......"that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." As well as saying...
  4. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    We have several paces in the old testament that it is an angel that explains a prophecy or a vision to a prophet. Gabriel himself explained one to Daniel and it was also Gabriel that came with the message of Christ to Mary. So I would say that angels are very much involved in prophecy...
  5. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    Read from Revelation 17, on and see if it's not the self same one.
  6. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: Did Christ or one of the prophets have the 7 vials?
  7. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    I agree that passage is about who Christ is. It could even be said of man and still not lose its meaning or intended purpose. But to which of mankind has he said at any time thou art my son today I have begotten you. Angels as well as humans are the sons of God. When John is talking to the...
  8. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    I do not believe Satan did. However, I do find that the fallen be they angels or be they human's all share sin and on the whole share depravity. Humans have and continue to have homosexuals' relations. They also have and continue to have relations with animals. Incest, you name it. God in...
  9. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    Here is a video around the 4 minute and 30 second mark that he says he does not find that the book of Enoch is inspired. He will go on to say that ideas from the book of Enoch are used in the New Testament. Which he will say that some are used in the gospels. He does not elaborate which ones...
  10. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    As well as God forbid Israel from taking possession of certain lands of Edom, Moab, and Ammon. Because they had displaced giants in that area and the Lord gave the land to them for doing so to giants. Deuteronomy 2 4And command thou the people, saying, Ye are to pass through the coast of your...
  11. stilllearning

    Are giants the offspring of angels and humans?

    Sons of God is direct vs indirect. For example we can look at the genealogy of Christ, the last verse at least. Luke 3:38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. Angels as well as Adam were direct creations by God where we are...
  12. stilllearning

    Understanding God’s election

    Some scholars speculate it is named from looking like a skull others in connection to the death of Christ. However, in no way is it named thus in reference to Goliath. John 19:17 And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew...
  13. stilllearning

    Why the story of Job occurred in the 6th century.

    I agree for brevity sake I will try and spare folks reading every way or idea something is being used. In the case of Absalom you had individuals who were once with David. To which they were now with Absalom and giving him counsel so David is specifically asking God to divide their tongues in...
  14. stilllearning

    Why the story of Job occurred in the 6th century.

    The word is erets which means Earth, land, ground, country, territory. Usage: The Hebrew word "erets" is a versatile term used extensively throughout the Old Testament. It primarily denotes the physical earth or land, encompassing everything from the entire planet to specific regions or...
  15. stilllearning

    Why the story of Job occurred in the 6th century.

    I myself went back and forth between could that be the land divided into continents or the division of people by language. For me here is the conclusion I came to just because it weighed heavier to me in that direction. Eber named his son Peleg because it means to divide or separate...
  16. stilllearning

    Understanding God’s election

    It is often speculated that David took 5 stones one for Goliath and the others for his brothers. When you go back and read about Og of Bashan, the Anakaim and the Rephaim and other places these giants are mentioned. Anyway more or less there was at that...
  17. stilllearning

    Myth: Humans were hunter-gatherers first, farmers later

    I find they are misinterpreting the data. I fully believe that the data shows prior to the flood there was less food in production. Reason being of course God had cursed the ground. I believe what they see as the sudden rise of food production is post the flood when Noah offered his sacrifice...
  18. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Not at all the burnt offering was one that was voluntary as described in Leviticus 1. The sin offering was mandatory as described in Leviticus 4 and 5. It was two different offerings for two different purposes. Which of course the word sacrifice means to make holy. The first mention of the...
  19. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    There is also no sabbath command against sacrifice on the sabbath. Like I said they could worship on the sabbath if they so chose but it had to be done at the temple or prior to that the tabernacle. As again only one place was it allowed. Numbers 28:9-10 And on the sabbath day two lambs of...
  20. stilllearning

    the Sabbath

    Leviticus 25:2-4 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD. 3Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; 4But in the...