So if we connect the Lord's word to both the UN and Israel we come up with a very interesting conclusion: the UN will perish 3 years before Israel (UN formed in 1945 and Israel in 1948). Actually to be even more precise the UN perishes 2 1/2 years before Israel. That fits, it seems that in the...
The reason congress will not allow the debt ceiling to be raised is because it prevents them coming back every six months to make political hay over the budget.
Sorry it is hard for me to decipher your meaning. Are you saying that Christians in America need to rise up in defense of Indonesians who wish to celebrate Christmas, and Santa Claus, and flying reindeer?
BTW if Indonesia does make a law against Christians celebrating the Lord's table that would be something I would be interested in defending as a Christian.
That is fine, I am not a resident or citizen of Indonesia. I have no issue with the people of that country making laws about what holidays they celebrate, and what are national holidays. But the idea that Christians should rise up to defend Indonesians who wish to celebrate a pagan holiday is...
Oh, you mean like Fauci and the twenty scientists that wrote the letter saying it wasn't the lab where they had been receiving US funds to experiment on Covid virus that leaked Covid 19, it was some bat that hooked up with a pangolin that is responsible.
Glad to see you got rid of the strong...
Behold the Fig Tree
Luke 21:29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; 30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. 31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is...
If these two holidays do depict the rapture before the tribulation and the rapture of the two witnesses let's compare, suppose the pre tribulation rapture is Shavuot.
1. That is not after the harvest festival. That is not in winter. That would mean the verse in Jeremiah is not referring to...
The Vatican's midnight mass will be from 7:30 to 9:30 pm, Rome time, that is 1:30 to 3:30 pm EST 24th of December. I wonder if that will be when Samson, the strong man, pushes out the pillars.
Imagine the rapture takes place during this time and around the world people are being raptured and...
So Enoch appears to be a picture of the rapture of the church. He was the seventh and the number seven is typically used to refer to the church. Samson pushing out the pillars depicts the destruction of the apostate church and the death of many adulterous believers similar to Elijah calling...
Sometimes you don't need to know a person is a liar in order to not trust them.
If someone says I am deplorable garbage and a domestic terrorist I don't need to know anymore than that to realize this person does not have my best interests at heart and I would be a fool to trust them.
Now let's use more relevant examples. Suppose the NY Times had to print a correction on a story. That is not a problem to me, they write a lot of stories with tight deadlines, I can understand making a mistake.
Now suppose instead the mistake is that the source they told me was a high level...
Only an idiot will book a flight on an airplane while not trusting in the pilot of that airplane. That is an absurd analogy.
On the contrary use an analogy where I am still deciding what to buy.
For example, I was shopping for a car, I knew that Cadillac was a good car so I went to the...
Yes, thieves have learned if they are wearing a uniform they are much more likely to get people to comply with them. They have done a variety of experiments that prove people are much easier to manipulate if you make it appear they are "certified experts".
We know that God created the universe and that includes angels which are not native to Earth but are heavenly beings. So there you go, the same one who created man and all the other creatures created heavenly beings as well.
I agree that the theory of evolution postulated by Darwin has been...
No, I'm not going to listen to you put words into my mouth, I have seen how you twist what people say. Show me the post with my prediction that was not true.
Well it is a campaign pledge of Trump and he followed through on all his campaign pledges last time he was president.
Still waiting, what have I predicted that I have been wrong about?
Point me to the offending post.
You are the one who said they would not be deporting illegals from the 50 states. I doubt that has happened under Biden, but doubt that will hold up for much longer.
Wow, got to hand it to you, for someone who has been wrong as many times as you, you seem to just shake it off and keep putting your foot in your mouth.
Didn't you say that
We would not surrender control to the UN, that wouldn't happen? Read the Pact for the future, it has happened.