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  1. G

    Not By Works

    you are dodging the question- why was the greek word for surrender not used?
  2. G

    Not By Works

    because salvation is not a process. so, you just go with one professor at uber-liberal Stanford's private translation of one word, and we are just supposed to take his word over hundreds of years of historians and scholars translating it the right way? yep, that sounds reasonable..... and, by...
  3. G

    Not By Works

    you have no authority to warn anyone. you are bearing witness of yourself, that is invalid. and, by the way, since you insist that pisteuo is mis-translated, and should be " surrender" then why was the word paradidomi , which means a personal surrender, why was that word not used? I mean, it...
  4. G

    Should President Trump be impeached?

    which is exactly why they are just putting on a public spectacle instead of a real impeachment procedure..
  5. G

    Not By Works

    and what did Jesus say, that we are to obey? believe in Him, and love one another. and what does believing in Him require? faith. faith In Him. and, just for you, no Sabbath keeping required for Christ followers. no N.T. command to do so.
  6. G

    Not By Works

    yours has failed the test, many times. you just do not want to admit it....
  7. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    I think that is a wise move. they just want an echo chamber, and tell each other how great it is to trust Law keeping for salvation. hold the door. i.m leaving this too..
  8. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    that is the point. they do not want to have a real discussion, just throw out talking points and false accusations. i'll say again, if they are so right, and we are so wrong, then why not have a real discussion??
  9. G

    Troops in Syria

    isis came about when Obama over through Libya and allowed the arab spring, and pulled out of Iraq , . I mean, when you blow up a region . there is going to be a bad result.
  10. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    find one post where e.g or I said any of this. did you miss my post about sin, just a few back. I think i'll just go and let you and mr. gardener argue with these non- existing people who say the things you claim ...
  11. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    remember, they narrowly define sin as transgressing the Law, which is part of it, but they do not recognize sin as missing the mark, falling short of a standard, knowing to do good and not doing so. maybe they should meditate on the actual definition of what sin is, they might understand why we...
  12. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    yes, strong delusion like thinking the Law is divided into parts ( it's not), gentiles have to keep it ( never commanded to), and keeping the Sabbath has something to do with salvation through faith in Christ. ( no N.T. command to do so). and, there is no such thing as a renewed Covenant. yep...
  13. G

    Troops in Syria

    out ' allies' the kurds are threating to release isis prisoners they have back into the population. just search " kruds isis ', and see how the isis guys " escaped". so, beware of who the media ( lairs ) tell you our " allies" are.
  14. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    the thing is, if we are so wrong, and we have all our beliefs about the Law all wrong, then why not engage in a interaction debate? why does mr. gardener hide behind the ignore feature and toss out insults? now, it could be that when one has no counter point, they just throw out accusations ...
  15. G


    the real error is the assumption that the whole world was given the Law. it was not, only the jews. so, since gentiles were never under the Law, they were never commanded to keep the jewish Sabbath. the other nine commands were repeated in the N.T. for gentiles to keep, but not the Sabbath.
  16. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    the pharisees , over the course of the 400 " silent years", slowly put themselves in charge , lifting the 613 laws that were put in place to ensure the Torah ( singular) was kept. so, by the time Jesus came, they were highlighting keeping these ( the traditions of the elders) over the actual...
  17. G

    Not By Works

    or better yet, perhaps you could reference a source that properly translates the word in question.
  18. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    so, you are saying that Jesus and Paul contradicted? there is already a thread on that non-sense.
  19. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    the Disciples were Jewish men. they were all born under the Law. gentiles were never and are never under the Law. I think the o,p. meant well, and was attempting to have a good discussion, the question is akin to asking " when did you stop being a thief ", a unintentional loaded question.
  20. G

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    after Jesus said this, He went on to say " everyone who hears these Words of Mine and puts them into practice..... notice- He said this in present tense. meaning the words He was speaking. the words in red. so, he was not referring back to the Torah, because He quoted parts of the Torah, and...