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  1. G

    Apostasy 101

    that is the whole thing- they think they are " good people". they do not understand ( or acknowledge) what sin actually is, how deep and sinister it is. chris75 agreed with me on the actual definition of sin, but then just went right on as if as the definition of sin does not exist......
  2. G

    Apostasy 101

    here is your Romans 6 answer. in the 5th chapter of the same letter, Paul explains how we are saved and made righteous by what Christ did for us, and our faith in Him. then, Paul expounds on this in chapter 6, saying that we should not keep living a sinful lifestyle even though we are saved...
  3. G

    Apostasy 101

    oh , I wll later. count on it. proving folks like you wrong is so easy and fun. review that.
  4. G

    Apostasy 101

    I am not dodging anything. I take the Bible as a whole, I refuse to build individual theology around isolated pieces of Scripture. it's called systematic theology. but, you have to actually read the entire Bible all the way through , in chronological order. which I have. many times. that is...
  5. G

    Apostasy 101

    missing the point. read Scripture as a whole, breaking it down verse by verse and building theology around isolated verses is invalid . would you like me to give you the history of when and why chapters and verses were added to Scripture??
  6. G

    Apostasy 101

    so, in other words, you do not want to talk about Romans 1. yep, hiding is a good way to describe what you do. only point out verses that you can bend to support your backdoor sinless perfectionism , hide from the rest.
  7. G

    Apostasy 101

    but , you do make verses stand on their own when you ignore context, word definitions, and chronological order, which you do. one of your go to spots is Romans 6. well, in context, Romans 1, Paul explains how the Gospel is all about faith. then He goes on to explain hoe those who do not have...
  8. G

    Apostasy 101

    is Hebrews 10 46 the king of the Bible? is ist? this is why your theology is pure junk. you just pluck out individual verses and throw them out there and them want others to " refute" them. you are doing what so many other work salvationists do- try to pit Scripture against Scripture. shameful.
  9. G

    Apostasy 101

    you have already failed the test as to wheither or not God refused to allow Israel into the promised land, or if they refused to go. you failed and ran away from a very easy question. pass a test before you test others.
  10. G

    Apostasy 101

    and what are His commands? believe in the Name of the Son and love one another. so, to believe is to obey.
  11. G

    Apostasy 101

    what do you mean wrong? did God take Israel to the border of Canaan or not? did the people refuse to go in or not? did they even go so far as to try to go back to Egypt or not??
  12. G

    Apostasy 101

    but you do try to earn it. it could not be more clear, salvation is a gift. if one does not receive it as a gift, them it is NOT a gift. real life example- if i give you a $100 gift card, and you insist on paying me back a portion of that, then it no longer a gift. see how that works.
  13. G

    Apostasy 101

    and, keep in mind, after all the complaining and rebellion and unbelief, that God STILL took them to the Promised Land. God took them there, they refused to go into it. God does what He always does. He keeps His promises .
  14. G

    Apostasy 101

    they just do not get it. the type of smoke and mirrors and smokescreens they throw out there does NOT work on those of us who know the Bible. many , sadly, do not know the Bible, and fall for this deception.
  15. G

    Apostasy 101

    yes. but, what happens when I fail to love others as I should? I ask for forgiveness and move on. belief saves. loving others is an outflow of that belief. but, failure to love others does not disqualify one from salvation, as long as one confesses their sin. ( He is faithful and just to...
  16. G

    Apostasy 101

    you are wrong. you and chris teach a works based salvation. this " trying to be nice post" does not change that. and, I do not try and believe the best of others here. I believe, promote , and stand up for truth. that is what I believe in. the only thing it takes for one to be saved is faith...
  17. G

    Apostasy 101

    I thought you wrongly believed that one has to keep the jewish Sabbath to get rest. and be saved.
  18. G

    Apostasy 101

    no, I do not kick against anything. * believe- to entrust, to think to be true, to be persuaded off. that is what it takes to get saved. have what I just said about Jesus. now, yes we are to obey. BECAUSE we are saved. not to maintain salvation. and, love is also a positive act. when I...
  19. G

    Apostasy 101

    and when have I ever said that those things are no big deal? as usual, you keep moving the goalposts, changing the subject. and, do not get me mixed up with the free riders in the not by works thread ( which you ran away from). I am NOT o.s.a.s.. I do speak the truth that we are saved by...
  20. G

    Apostasy 101

    amazing how all you legalists ( and the judeaizers) use 1st John to attempt to prove salvation by command keeping. but, as usual, you fail to mention that John said , in this very letter, that the commands are to " believe in the name of the Son, and love one another". so, to believe is to...