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  1. G

    Not By Works

    * as long as one BELIEVES. belief in Christ is all it takes to be saved. the N.T. says this over and over, and you salvation losers just refuse to see it..
  2. G

    Not By Works

    you think one has to speak in tounges as proof of salvation, according to the " church " you highlight. you theology is deeply flawed.
  3. G

    Not By Works

    again, missing the point. desire or lack of desire does not save. belief in Christ is what saves. one's desires , one's behavior does not save or disqualify . belief in Christ saves or lack of belief condems. nothing else. are you going to confirm this truth of keep pushing the lordship...
  4. G

    Not By Works

    this is why you wrong. your focus is on the sin. we all sin. when you measure by that metric, we all lose. but, the proper thing to focus on here is the saving agent- belief in Christ. if both truly believe, then both are saved.
  5. G

    Not By Works

    this- 2 people who are drug addicted to drugs come to Christ, and receive Him as Savior. one person never gets high again from that moment forward. the other struggles for years to break the addiction , going through cycles of sober and not. the truth is, both of them are saved, because they...
  6. G

    Not By Works

    do you not see how you are contradicting yourself all over the place?? you say this, which is true, but then you turn around and say that if one sins too much, salvation will be taken away, thus making it salvation by works. again I say- lordship salvation is garbage,
  7. G

    Not By Works

    and here we have the lie of lordship salvation- saved by faith, salvation proved by works....
  8. G

    Not By Works

    they are so blind to their own contradictory beliefs, it is sad. they say " oh, we know that we are saved only by belief", then they keep talking and attaching requirements on top of believing, thus negating what they just said about salvation by belief only. and they can't see it..
  9. G

    Not By Works

    trump impeachment= sham. waste of taxpayer ( like me) money. all the update anyone needs. ( haha)
  10. G

    Apostasy 101

    so, it seems you have no issues with certain greek words, you choose to ignore the definitions of some, like the word " believe", and the fact that the word " apostasy " is only used 2 times I the N.T., and many other Biblical truths...
  11. G

    Not By Works

    I thought that you were providing Scripture that showed how God takes His grace away.....
  12. G

    Not By Works

    so are people who say that "God removes His grace". what a lie that is..
  13. G

    Not By Works

    you have a weird way of stopping...
  14. G

    Not By Works

    I honesty do not what you are trying to say most of the time, you are all over the place....
  15. G

    Not By Works

    lots of false teachers and folks who refuse to admit when they have been proven wrong. know any??
  16. G

    Apostasy 101

    I will save you the wait time. you are wrong , have been proved so by me and many others. you just do not see it, like most Bible thumpers, you are blinded by pride in how well you obey, instead of admitting you need a Savior.....
  17. G

    Apostasy 101

    they do this because their theology is based on assumptions and conclusions. they refuse to submit themselves to the authority of Scripture , instead they give themselves authority over Scripture , making it say what they want , and not simply accept what it says.
  18. G

    Not By Works

    you know, I used to think you had pretty solid theology. but, I was wrong for that thought.
  19. G

    Apostasy 101

    when you say "believe ", it is code for " works".
  20. G

    Apostasy 101

    you know, this is the thing- they make their theology on assumptions and opinions. when we give them facts , they do not care, because they have little value for any facts, and no care about facts that mess with their assumptions....