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  1. G

    Some Preach To Sinners As Though They Are Saved!!

    have you completely stop sinning?? yes or no answer please.
  2. G

    Demons in our Church.

    i this is included " the Covenant made with the forefathers of those I brought out of Egypt" that would be the same Covenant that includes the Law and the Sabbath. so, if you cannot trace your ancestry back to those who crossed the red sea, then that covenant was not made with and is not...
  3. G

    Demons in our Church.

    ignorance huh? I have read the Bible all the way through over 20 times, I understand what it says and what it does not say. I understand the old and new covenants. what I do not understand is why do you and bilk refuse to read and comment on what God told Moses in Lev. 26 about whom were...
  4. G

    Coronavirus Cause?

    * if we believe in Jesus. holy living is a result of salvation , not a cause.
  5. G

    Demons in our Church.

    so, now anyone who disagrees with your judeaizer lies is a demon . it sure is easy to put yourself on a religious high horse and dehumanize any who disagree with you. as far as the Law, have you read Leviticus 26 yet, where God explains exactly who is under the Law??
  6. G

    Mockers and Scoffers Will Come In The Last Days Just Like On Here!!

    i am one! posted this to mock ellen white, the fraud who invented the s.d.a. church, based on " visions " she had after a fall and head injury. denounce her, and stop thinking Sabbath keeping is required for salvation, and become a real Christ follower!
  7. G

    Oneness or trinity, Is Jesus God or man?

    and this lecturing is being done by someone ( you) who thinks the Law of Moses and the jewish Sabbath is a requirement for Christ followers.
  8. G

    Oneness or trinity, Is Jesus God or man?

    keep in mind- whispered thinks that one has to keep the Sabbath to be saved. this is where the theology of this person goes way wrong.
  9. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    * gentiles are and never were under the Law and never commanded to keep it. there is your answer.
  10. G

    Oneness or trinity, Is Jesus God or man?

    this is some of the most ridiculous twisting of Scripture I have ever seen. " I and My Father are One". a six year old could understand this. but, in order to push your junk theology, you have to find a way to make this mean something else. sorry, " we are One" means exactly what it says it...
  11. G

    Oneness or trinity, Is Jesus God or man?

    seems likely that the watchtower is heavily involved in this theology..
  12. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    this is very beneficial . very informative. I have interacted with many s.d.a.'s on here over the years, I know a lot of their beliefs, but I am learning a lot from you.
  13. G

    Oneness or trinity, Is Jesus God or man?

    " I and My Father are one". who was the Father? and what would that make the Son if He and the Father are one?
  14. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    yes, I have been told by multiple s.d.a's, and Hebrew roots also that the roman Catholics invented sunday worship, and those of us who go to church on sun. are really worshiping nimrod the sun god. now, of course, rome did ban Sabbath keeping, which was wrong and should not have been done, but...
  15. G

    Not By Works

    and, to add, the message of the Cross is foolishness to all who are perishing.
  16. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    you mentioned Galatians , as I am sure you know, a lot of the s d a 's, Hebrew roots, etc. do NOT consider Paul's letters as authoritative Scripture, saying that some of his writings are inspired, some are Paul's opinions. layer after layer of self-deception.
  17. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    that command was for Israel only. gentiles were and are never under the Law. John did not anything about the Sabbath when he said the commands were to "believe on the name of the Son and love one another". care to address that??
  18. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    that is what I said. John said in 1st John to keep the commands, then he went on to say that the commands are " believe on the name of the Son, and love one another". he did not say anything about the Sabbath.
  19. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    the same man . John the Beloved, who was given these visions wrote in his 1st letter that " the Commands are to believe in the name of the Son and love one another" no Sabbath keeping mentioned.
  20. G

    If we are going to keep the SABBATH the 7th day, in HEAVEN, Why are not people keeping it now ???

    just repeating the same thing over and over does not make it be true.