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    Does God tempt anyone

    I know the answer what do you people say
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    True that !
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Not once have I put Anyone down y because the love of JESUS
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    :plet's all b happy
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Again lol u guys are funny I never judged Anyone nor was I putting Anyone down ok if u guys need to get your frustration out I understand . I know what people are talking about I'm not here to debate or put people down
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    I'm a follower of Jesus and the word of God;)
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    But we have a lot of people not looking to do the work of God but only 2 debate over the word no one prospers over debating the word of God
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    No that's a concern there's no threats in the love of God I'm concerned for those who have questions about the things of God they could only find the truth in the word on this form there are a lot of people looking for answers I hope and pray that they find the answers they need so they can...
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    Anyways. everyone has an opinion freedom of speach... but for all those who wants to correct or guide let the spirit of GOD guide u not ur own emotions ... our emotions will not move people only the words that the spirit of GOD gives u .. let us not be beside ourself well that's all I got to...
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Jesus didn't come to change the law but to fulfill it
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Ok no one said anything like teacher prophet or anything else wow u people amaze me ok God bless later
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    There is no love in ur guys message lol
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    No I will eat a lamb bq a heifer and I have a plane if that dont work I have boat relax brother let's not try to b pilitcaiy correct
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Since you know the word ... maybe you should be writing here more often to help them understand
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Lol ok didn't think I was going to get that here
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    The word is for us all
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    Hosea 4:6 says it all to us believers

    Ok I wasn't shouting I put myself because that all i wanted from GOD!